[11] My teacher set me up with his hot-badass-stalker-twin sons o_O

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Chapter 11: three guys stuck with the girl they love, what could go wrong?

Davids P.O.V.

Look for an exit he said. look for an exit we did, did we find one? No. not even a window. and now I am stuck with Nathan and Jesse, Eveleen is also here, but that doesn’t bother me, I’d rather have seen that I was here, with her, alone. I’d like that. the two of us, together in a dark room. But Eveleen being Eveleen she would probably start chasing mice or something, she was not the girl to cling onto someone because she was scared of the dark.

“basemen basement, bad smelly basement.” Eveleen sang while dancing around.

“how can you be so calm?” Nathan asked her. “Were stuck here with no food or water.”

“Alec will go look for us, and so will Johnny and Marissa.” Jesse said just as Eveleen was about to say something. She shrugged and kept dancing.

“Who are you anyway?” I asked Jesse, I knew his name that was true but I didn’t know what kind of relationship he had with Eveleen and I was keen to find out.

“Jesse, I’m Alec’s best friend and former room-mate, Eveleen, Alec and I lived together for a while.” He said.

“So you’re kind of like her uncle.” I stated.

“No not really.” He said and I could see him blush, woos. 

“He’s my buddy!” Eveleen said and walked over to Jesse and hugged him. I wanted a hug as well.

“hey what about me?” crap I should not have said that….

“Okay.” She said and walked over, she gave me a quick hug, I enjoyed the warmth she gave of and she smelled amazing, like Oreos, peaches and something else I couldn’t think off.

“You smell like freshly cut grass and a summer day after a thunderstorm!” Eveleen squealed.

“Is that a good thing?” I asked confused.

“Yes very!” She said.

“What do I smell like?” Nathan asked.

“saw dust.” She said while twirling, she didn’t even have to smell him! how did she know?

“How did you know?” Nathan asked.

“I smelled it before you turned the switch.” She laughed.

“That bloody switch.” Jesse, Nathan and I said in unison.

“Bad word!” Eveleen said while staring at us. We all mumbled an apology and she seemed content. She started twirling again while humming a song. I remembered it, it was a lullaby mother used to sing to Nathan and me. it was such a pretty song. I hadn’t heard it in a long time and I didn’t remember the words, but I remembered the melody very clearly… before I realized it I was humming along and Eveleen came towards me and grabbed my hand. She tried to pull me up so I gave way. She put a hand on my shoulder and the other in my right hand. I put my hand on the small of her back and together we danced to the melody. Very slowly. Jesse and Nathan sat on the floor, stunned. After a few minutes Jesse got up and tapped my shoulder.

“Do you mind if I cut in?” He asked with a threatening tone, which of course, didn’t scare me in the least and I wanted to say I did mind but Eveleen had already let go of me and was moving towards Jesse. I felt rejected… I sat down next to Nathan.

“Smooth move, brother.” He empathized on the word brother which made it sound like a threat, and his threat did scare me.

“What? I can’t dance with her?” I hissed.

“No you can’t! she’s mine.” He hissed back.

“She isn’t yours! She doesn’t belong to anyone!” I yell-whispered.

“She will belong to me someday.” He said while gritting his teeth.

“Not if I beat you to it.” I said to him.

“I think, I will be the one to win this.” We heard Jesse whisper when he turned towards us, and as always Eveleen didn’t notice a thing that was going on.

“And why is that?” Nathan asked.

“Because she feels comfortable around me, she is already used to sleeping in the same bed and I know everything there is to know.” He said in a whisper.

“what is she doing in your bed?!” Nathan yelled, Eveleen heard that.

“warmth!” she said while hugging Jesse. “Warm…” well that made sense, her being her and all…

“Eveleen, is there a special man in your life?” Nathan asked.

“Yes!” She said before sitting down and falling asleep. How did she manage to do that? she wasn’t even sitting for 3 seconds and she was already asleep!

“How did she do that?” I asked Jesse.

“I don’t know, she just sleeps easily, but we mustn’t wake her, she’ll be mad at us if we do.” He whispered.

“Does anyone have anything to eat?” I asked while going through my pockets. I had been to the grocerystore to buy Oreos but I had dropped those in the hallway…. Ah! I found a candybar in my jacket.

“I’ve got gum.” Jesse said while emptying his pocket.

“I’ve got… nothing.” Nathan said.

“we’ll have to split everything and make sure not to eat everything at once. The gum will come in handy.” I said.

“How is it you never talk much but say so much when times are tough?” Nathan asked.

I knew what he meant right away. Once, long ago when were were both just 8 years old, we had been in a bad situation, worse than this, I was the one to help us through… it might sounds stupid to say it about myself, but because I am so calm and think a lot about things to be said and done, I turn out to be quite capable to handle difficult situations without panicking.

“Because I am so quiet I have had the time to think. If you think about things you start wondering, that makes you investigate, it makes you experience, it creates a learning opportunity, I have learnt to deal with difficult situations over time.” I told him.

“Have you ever experienced something like this before?” Jesse asked, curious and concerned at the same time.

Nathan and I looked at each other and nodded.

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