[2007]This isn't a goodbye

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  • Dedicated to BB04

This isn't a goodbye

I may turn 180 degrees from you
And have my journey opposite from you
There will always be a space in my heart,
For you to fill up with new memories someday

Even if we'll take different direction
And be stationed from pole to pole of the earth,
Always remember that the world is round
And someday, we will meet each other again.

Someday, somehow,
We may be that person we want to be
You may be that guy in your dreams,
I may be the woman, I want to be.

And the girl and the boy we used to be,
Will just be a part of our past...

But this I promise you...
Even if, each of us will changed,
And see each other differently,

The bond that is tied on us,
Will always be the same on my part
And I will keep it strong forever.

It's just up to you,
If you'll untie it and let go of me.

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