Chapter Ten.

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I sat back in my seat, I was sitting in my car parked outside the front of university.

I have to face Jason and Christy, I wonder if Christy has said anything to Jason about our conversation.

I guess they are perfect for each other, she's like a ditzy blonde and he is a piece of hunky meat for her to catch – seems fitting doesn't it.

I grabbed my bag and took once last look in the mirror before entering the building.

I finally got out of my car and followed everyone to the entrance, I walked down the hallway to my classroom – I put my hand onto the door handle and went to push it open, but I got stopped.

"Hey, I need to talk to you" Jason said stopping me from entering the classroom.

I'm guessing he has spoken to Christy already, I let go of the handle and followed him, I saw Christy smile as she went into the classroom.

"Is it true what you said to Christy?" Jason didn't seem very happy.

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently.

"Don't play dumb" He said aggressively.

"She asked if we were an item and I said you were just helping me out and then she said to just observe you two as a couple and write it as my own" I repeated what she said to me.

"Why did you agree?"

"Well she likes you"

"I don't"

I stood there just looking at him, his hazel color eyes looking into mine, I never really noticed before but he actually has nice eyes.

"I'm sorry" I broke the silence.

Jason didn't say anything, he glanced into my eyes and we stood there for a few seconds.

Everything around us seems to be a blur, I couldn't take my eyes away from him. He looked down to my lips and glanced back up to my eyes, he went to lean in to kiss me – I could feel his warm minty breath sweep across my face, I felt my lips begin to pout ready for him.

I actually pouted for him to kiss me.

I suddenly pushed him away and made my way into the classroom, as I went to my seat I could feel Christy giving me daggers, I didn't chance to look at her – if looks could kill I reckon I would be dead the moment I look at her.

I sat down in my seat and watched as Jason made his way to his seat, he sat down the glanced over to me.

His dark brown hair shining from the ray of sunlight reflecting off the windows, it was floppy over to the side.

He was wearing a tight Grey t-shirt which you could see his body through, his build looked perfect.

What am I doing?

I just totally checked Jason out.

I looked down at my paper, I started jotting this feeling I was having right now – was it Love?

No maybe Lust?

How would I know how that would feel, I mean I've never done something like that, would I still know.

I started chewing the end of my pen, I slowly glanced over to Jason who was writing down in his pad. His profile looked handsome, such a perfect jaw line and his lips were not to thin but not to thick – he had long eyelashes, it really makes his eyes stand out.


I wasn't taking any notice, I carried on staring at Jason.


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