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Make it stop make it go away

please please make it go away

the emptiness the loneliness inside

the abyss that keeps consuming me

one lil bit at a time make it stop

please make it sstopmy tears won't

stop pouring I can't keep myself

from crying I just want it to

go away these feelings keep coming

up more and more again those

random images those meaningless

words ... memories trying to resurface?

forgotten for a reason I'm not

crazy i know i'm not ... I hope I'm

not. Loneliness appears out of no where

one minute I'm fine the next I'm

locked in a bathroom wanting to just

die. This needs to stop I keep pushing it

down but it keeps surging back up I

don't think I can tame this anymore.

I need my mind something else but no

one is here to listen or just to be there

I don't want to tell I don't want

to look insane

but its tearing


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2011 ⏰

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