I don't want to be...Me (revised)

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 Chapter 1

It wouldn’t be long before it was that time of month. The night to hunt. I hated that day with all my heart.

“If only I were human…” I murmured to myself, wrapping my arms around me. The ocean seemed so calm tonight. Peaceful even. The waves gently lapped at my feet, it was cool and refreshing to have the salty air blow my hair away from my face.

I heard a few gulls cries overhead, I looked up at the rocky cliffs to find them perching for the night. I smirked to myself, lucky them at least they’ll be able to sleep.

Long ago I looked at the ocean as a friend, now things were different and I wouldn’t be able to see it like that ever again. Why couldn’t I be ordinary? I didn’t ask for anything special, never. I wasn’t selfish, I didn’t care about my being but others welfare. Now I had the power to take their lives away. 

Off in the distance, the clock tower chimed. I counted them off. Dong….Dong….Dong….Dong….Dong….Dong…Dong….Dong….Dong…Dong… Dong….Dong.

“Happy Birthday, Kanti.” I said, tears streamed down my face. I barely managed to choke out the last of my words without breaking into sobs. “Welcome to your new life as a…..siren.”

(hours earlier)

“Kanti!” My mother called. I skipped down the beach, enjoying the feeling of the sand between my toes. Aw man I just got here, I really wanted to explore. I sighed running back towards the house. Our new home. I couldn’t truly believe this huge beach house was actually ours. I hadn’t the faintest idea where we got the money but I was completely fine with it. Though I had left my friends back in Louisiana, this little town, Dewey seemed pretty nice. I would make new friends, my mom had reassured me.  I ran onto the screened in porch.

“Yeah?” My mom and dad were settled on the couch. She looked nervous and by the way she was gripping my dad’s hand I knew something was up.

“Take a seat dear. We need to talk.”

“Ok…about what?” I asked taking a seat in the couch opposite of them.

“I know there has been a lot of stress on you from the move and I’m sorry but we had no choice in the matter.”

“What your mother is trying to say is we did it for your sake.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Have you ever noticed how guys stare at you all dazed? Or wondered why they give you lustful stares?” She asked.

“Mom your not seriously giving me ‘the talk’ are you?” I asked, air quoting the talk with my fingers.

“No honey we’re trying to say…” She took a breath and sighed, giving my dad’s hand a squeeze. “You and I aren’t human.”

“Very funny guys.” I said, laughing softly to myself.

“We’re sirens. All those mythological creatures you wish were real, are.” She said, her tone serious. I stared at them incredulously, studying their faces. I saw sadness in my dad’s eyes and no emotion from my mom.

“Your not kidding are you?” They slowly shook their heads. “So what does that mean for me?”

“You have power over the male species, that’s from the story books but you steal their life force.”


“You have to hunt them.”

“I have to kill people?” I squeaked. My dad’s gaze dropped to the floor.

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