The Impossible Girl

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The woman twice dead,

A Dalek in an asylum,

Victorian Clara on a bed,

Run, boy, run.

Clara Oswin Oswald,

The impossible girl.

The bells of St. John are ringing,

And through the Rings of Akhaten we go!

To the Cold War under the ice,

And finding places to Hide.

From the centre of the TARDIS,

To nightmares in silver,

And the final journey to Trenzalore.

Here, there, everywhere,

The woman wrapped in an enigma and a very tight skirt!

Oswald, Oswin!

Perfect, just too perfect.

The impossible girl,

The perfect companion,

She was born,

To save his life.

Split into millions,

Echoes through his life,

Born only to die again,

Each time to never be heard.

Except once.

Doctor who?

Brave heart, Clara!

My Clara.

She has died thousands of times for him,

And would die thousands more.

Flying into the world on a leaf,

She will strive to save his life.

Over and over,

The impossible girl runs,

Fading and falling through time and space.

But, spare her a thought now and then,

Run you clever boy, and remember.

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