6 - All My Loving

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Dedicated to The_Aristocrat for suggesting the hunk that is Wade Poezyn *fans self*. Virtual hugs to everyone who made my life awesome by making me Google da shιts out of gorgeous, gorgeous men. In fact, here, take a virtual kiss as well.

All My Loving by The Beatles in the sidebar or go listen to Sweet As Whole by Sara Bareilles. The pop-py song has lyrics like "He's such an αsshole and she's such a bιtch". Awesome, yes?

Delayed update c/o me getting sick and writer's block (because it's a real thing). New update schedule in the post-chapter A/N.



6 – All My Loving


“Explain to me again how you forgot that you had a boyfriend?”

George's question effectively wiped away the grin I'd been wearing since I saw the rental Audi pull into the driveway. While we all continued to wait for Carter to get out of the car, I crossed my arms and turned to George. I gave him a full on go-to-hell-and-don’t-you-dare-come-back glare.

Completely unfazed, George simply shrugged. “What? Everyone's been thinking it,”

“And you're just the moron who voiced the stupidest fυcking question in the world,” I answered with more than my usual venom.

George continued to stare at me, obviously waiting for my answer. Even Paul and Finn were climbing aboard the whole let’s-put-Lennon-under-a-microscope train. Both of them were looking at me expectantly as well.

“Because, George,” I began. “Even Carter Jones – yes, in all his magnanimous glory – is still a teenage boy. And teenage boys have been known to be horny little devils who chase after the closest piece of hot αss,” I paused and snuck a sideways glance at his twin. “Just ask Paul over there.”

“Hey!” Paul argued.

George and I just ignored him. It’s not like what I said was a complete lie – George knew it, I knew it. Hell, the little green people on Mars knew it.

George knew enough to just discreetly sneak a glance at an attractive girl. But Paul would not only blatantly stare at a girl wearing a miniskirt. He acted like he was Hugh Hefner and that the world was his Playboy mansion.

I've even caught him looking down girls' shirts a couple of times – talk about taking advantage of being six feet tall.

Say it with me now: Pig.

“Oh, come on, Lenn, you really don't believe that, do you?” George asked. Disappointment and disbelief were written clearly on his face.

“Actually, George,” I sighed. “I really do.”

“That sounds … pessimistic,” Finn commented.

I turned around to face him and raised an eyebrow questioningly. “No, it sounds realistic,” I placed one hand saucily on my hip. “If your girlfriend moved thousands of miles away, wouldn't you start looking for another one?”

The way Finn was smiling at me right now made me feel like he thought I was joking. “Not if I really loved her,” he answered, his voice ringing with seriousness.

Paul and George, morons that they were, nodded alongside him.


I was surrounded by a bunch of hopeless romantic boys – who knew that species even existed?

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