Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

Dinner was, to my great surprise actually pretty good. It consisted of Spaghetti Bolognas with extra cheese and for pudding we had triply chocolate fudge cake with vanilla ice cream. Having finished I ask if I can leave the table.

“Sure thing kiddo but take Jess and Mikala with you if you’re going to you room.” Mum said starting to clean up the dishes.

As I open my bedroom door I step inside and turn on them.

“Are you going to tell me what happened in the wall or are you going to leave me hanging like a fish out of water?” the look on their face’s tells me it’s not going to be good.

“The man in the wall was a Spirit.” Jess starts.

“A spirit?” I interrupt.

“Not spirit, Spirit. Kind of like a demon anyway the man in the wall was the leader of a group called The Lie. The Lie have been trying to get a special amulet for the past 500 years. They think you have it.” As jess finishes an icy sweat runs the length of my spin. Turning around I pull out the necklace that my grandmother gave me from its hiding place under me shirt. As I look at the pendent I remember when I first got it.

“What is it Grandma” a five year old version of me asks.

 “It’s a special amulet Jasmine. It’s made up of a Pentagram on top of an axe and a wizard’s staff. But be careful not to let it full into the wrong hands or the world will end. Always keep it under your shirt for good luck.”

I had always thought she was making it up but now I’m not so sure. Tracing the pendent Jess suddenly exclaims,

“That’s the amulet, I can feel the power radiating off it. Quick put it away if I can feel the power imagine who else can.” Startled I drop it back under me shirt. As the familiar felling of leather and twisted metal rests lightly on me skin I hear Jess and Mikala whispering to each other. They were too quiet for me to make out what they were saying but I could hear odd bits and pieces.

  “We have to tell her……the one…….Doomed.” looking around for Scarlett hoping she can help me I see her gently sobbing on me bed.

“What’s wrong Scar?” I ask sitting down next to her.

“It’s just that your whole world is being turned upside down and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I feel so useless.” She sighed. “I don’t trust them Jas. Their up to something.” She looked me in the face as she said this.

“We have to help you. We have to find out what they want.”

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