Admitting your wrong

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Zeke gave me hell for accusing our mate of cheating; he’s even more upset I left her with that raging lunatic. Shit I shouldn’t have done that, you’re a moron he could be harming our pups and you just give him free access. I’ll just tell Miranda or Clayton to watch her for a while.   Stop acting like this isn’t important. Maybe it’s not, maybe I just don’t care anymore you’re not a very convincing liar Xander Zeke chuckled he could be with her right now in your bed claiming what’s yours.

 Abi wouldn’t do that I shook my head nor would she trade you in for anyone else but at the moment you look like an asshole you left her almost two months pregnant with your pups because a little pipsqueak gets a little too close for comfort, you fought for your wife this long you can’t just give your position, she doesn’t know what he’s done so of course she’ll naturally assume you’re jealous, make her believe you prove. Her. Wrong and the devil a liar

 I nod   and head back for the house when I entered I spotted Abi clutching her knees to her chest settled on the couch the devil nowhere in sight, good this wasn’t any of his business“Abi”

“Xander, I'm sorry for slapping you it was wrong … I should have never hit you, I love you Xander more than anything in this world, yes you dumb ass my twins are yours

I kneel in front of her   taking her  head into my hands so we’re eye to eye “ No I'm sorry Abi I shouldn’t have left you for a second let alone a day you’re the mother of my pups,  my wife there’s no me without you Mrs. Arias  I need someone just as sexy to be complete”

“Oh shut the hell up you conceited bastard”

“You know you love me”

“Only you  and I always will”    I  pick her up sitting her on my lap where she nuzzled my neck  “ If you ever leave me ill feed you  your balls on a platter”

“You don’t have to worry about that I'm not going anywhere”


I watched as  she laughed such a beautiful sound when he said something completely stupid  or when a scary part came on a movie,  how she cowered in his chest. That should be me!  Those stupid pups shouldn’t exist and that stupid mutt doesn’t deserve her. Somehow I  had to sever that damn bond they share  hmm I’ve been going at this the wrong way all I have to do is get her alone ……


I kissed  Xander as he tossed a popcorn into my mouth “ You should dip  it in chocolate Xander”

“The fuck? Have you been feeding that to my pups?”

I shrug “They seem to really like it, with strawberries”

“That’s disgusting I'm normal so I'm not letting that go anywhere near my lips”

“Hey!  I'm perfectly normal” I exclaim dipping a piece of the buttery treat in chocolate before popping it into my mouth  he  made a face of complete horror  attempting to snatch the chocolate dip from my hands

“You will not feed that  nasty shit to my kids” 

I laugh as in the struggle we knocked the chocolate  all over ourselves . He smirked and licked my   cheek I giggle taking his finger cloaked in chocolate and licked it “I love you my chocolate covered Queen”

“I love you too Willy Wonka”

AN: I hope this has satisfied the masses , but Jeremiah is far from over his little plan … Votes, Feedback actually I think I prefer feedback more,   much love J

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