His smile

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Another preference!!! Yay!




Harry:His smile could literally power an entire city. Whenever he sees you his eyes glow and grinning from ear to ear. His adorable dimples make it no better.

Liam: When Liam smiles his eyes crunch up. He's beaming from ear to ear normally thinking about you. His small, but noticeable. dimples are just too adorable to handle.

Louis: When Louis smiles it's always very big and bright, unless he's faking it. You can tell when he's faking because he doesn't get those adorable crinkles next to his eyes.

Niall: When Niall smiles (hehe that rhymed) he's almost closing his eyes. His smile is normally followed by a cute little chuckle.

Zayn: Zayn rarely smiles, but when he does it's nice and bright, making the room shine bright. You love to make Zayn smile, because it makes you feel special.

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