chapter 7: Problems

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So, ever since spending lunch with William yesterday, I feel like I've entered another world. It's difficult to explain, but it's like everything has taken on a deeper meaning. I can't stop looking at people or listening to others' conversation without my brain going into overdrive. William's words keep repeating through my head whenever I do, making me wonder why they act the way they do, or what they're running from. And they are running from something; it's so obvious to see now that I'm looking, even though I can't tell what it is exactly.

But it's strange, too. It doesn't feel like reality anymore; I feel as if I'm walking through a dream, having one outer-body experience after another. Everything's surreal, yet I'm unusually aware of my surroundings. I'm not exactly sure I like it. I'm constantly on edge because seeing everyone like this is downright sickening. A part of me wants to just scream at all of them to get them to stop, but I won't since another part of me is fascinated by all of this. I don't know what to do. I really don't.

The only time I was able to relax and wake up from that bizarre daze I've been was when I was in study hall and lunch with William. Which is kind of odd when you think about it, he's basically the reason this is happening to me in the first place. Him and his profound perspective on things. It's his fault I'm thinking the things I am, or how I am. But I don't blame him. Not really.

And I think the only reason it's different when I'm around him is because I'm too busy staring at him and listening to him to care about anything else. Seriously. I could do it for hours without getting bored. His eyes and his voice are hypnotic. I love being around him.

Which brings me to the other thing I've been thinking about: I just found out he existed on Tuesday, started talking to him only yesterday, yet I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him. Or at least something pretty damn closes to it.

I know, I know. It's ridiculous, stupid, and pretty much impossible. But I'm telling you, that's how I feel. And trust me; I think I know my own feelings. I've dated other guys before (on the down low, of course, and always from other schools), and I've never felt like this with them. God, I wish I could explain it better, but I can't. I just know that there's something about William that I can't help but be drawn to. There's something about him that's...special.

Among other things.

I sigh, and continue to walk down the hallway, towards my locker. Technically, I'm supposed to be going to the bathroom, but the walk to there from the English room is too short, and the route to my locker is much better for clearing my head. If only five hundred different thoughts would stop racing through my head at once.

And it's for that reason right there that it takes me about six seconds after turning the corner to see and comprehend the scene in front of me:

Three stoner/skaters spray-painting the word "FAGGOT" on my locker in big red letters.

Unlike you would think upon seeing this, my first reaction isn't anger. Ironically, it's to stop dead in my tracks and blink at them in a sort of stupor, while the thought It took them long enough (which is completely true, since I haven't really been harassed at all since coming out, and that's just not normal coming from this school) drifts lazily through my mind. And it's only after that, do I start to get angry.

Really angry.

Glowering, I let my bag drop to the floor and stalk over to them. And maybe because I'm lucky (or unlucky, depending on your point of view), they're too busy snickering over what they're doing to notice me. That is, until I shove the one with the paint-can, making him stumble into the guy wearing a beanie hat on his right. For a moment, all three of them are taken by surprise, and I use the chance to raise my fist, getting ready to punch Spray-Paint in the face. But the third guy (whose face is covered with acne scars) grabs me from behind and holds me back before I can, giving Spray-Paint and Beanie time to right themselves. Pissed off even more now, I elbow Crater-Face in the solar plexus then launch myself at the other two.

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