Chapter 14: The Note That Scared The Heeby Jeebies Out of Me...

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Note from mwa: no mwa isn't my name people...*rolls eyes* kidding, lame joke I know, can't get enough of them!! XD Right well I'm uploading relatively on time, still short chapters though, sorry! Please COMMENT and vote if you even likey this bookey even the tinest bit, if you do't like it or *drum roll*...if you just feel like? *Holds out a cookie temptingly*

 p.s. I UPLOADED BEFORE THE VOTE THINGY BUT COULD YOU MAKE TO 15?? *Puppy dog face* I need to see if I should continue!

Chapter 14:

Consciousness slowly drifted through my veins, pounding through my body at a tranquil speed, till at last I was able to blink open my eyes, immediately wishing I hadn’t. Pain thrummed through my head, even the gentle massaging of my temples would not relieve me of its agony, in any way, at all. Lucky me.

Taking in a deep breath my eyes adjusted to the bright light streaming through the open window and onto my face. For a moment I sat stock still, my mind coming back to life one part at a time which was not helping my state of utter confusion in the least.

I looked around to find I was in my bedroom, still wearing Seth’s t-shirt, my hair slightly damp and sticky with tufts of hay in it. Raising my hand to my head I let my finger roam around it, only to bringing it back coated with flakes of a red rusty substance. Dried blood. More specifically: dried chicken blood.

My heart instantaneously went into over drive, the pain in my head only intensifying as memories of the previous night flooded back at full speed, leaving me reeling back from the shock. The image of a blurry shadow kept resurfacing but try as I might I couldn’t define the hazy blobs into distinct features.

The blood hadn’t been spilled for no reason, it had been used to paint a message. Swallowing I tried to bring some moisture back into my parched mouth, trying to rid it of the arid sensation lingering at the back of my throat. However it did nothing to relieve the fear that started to bubble inside me.

A bitter smile graced my lips, tears clouding my vision as I realised I couldn’t do anything. That I was helpless and most likely in danger. The person I saw from yesterday unquestionably saw me too and would possibly go to any lengths to keep my mouth shut if the message was anything to go by. The message was written with a long cursive font, however elegant the small flicks and lithe fluid letters seemed to be, nothing could hide the abhorrence of the grotesque drips of blood that had dribbled down the wooden walls.

Letting my mind blank for a moment I shakily scrambled off the bed, heading for the door on legs made of jelly. Did anyone know? How did I get here in the first place? Was it Him/Her who brought me here? Questions proceeded to whizz through my head at a dizzying speed till I had to grip the bed frame to steady myself.

After stablising myself I walked towards the door, right now I needed to see other living humans.

My fingers curled around the cold door knob, slowly twisting it only to meet resistance after a certain point. Frowning I tried again, and again and, you guessed it, a million more times till my brain finally processed it was locked.

Before I opened my mouth to shout at the top of my lungs the door opened in one swift motion only to hit me full on in the face. Well thank you door, you are seriously have made my day so much better.

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