Epilogue: Part II: Rebuilding Freedom

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Epilogue, Part II: Rebuilding Freedom:

I was in the study a few days later when Carlisle found me. “Bella, we’re having another meeting. Can you join us?” I put my journal down and nodded, following him out to the yard.

The entire group was standing in a large circle, organized by clans and regions. Carlisle stood in the center, the officiator. I walked over and took my place next to Edward, pleased to see my parents there as well.

“Friends, thank you for reconvening for this important event. What we were trying to accomplish here has not been done before. Please, remember to be respectful of other’s political views and opinions, and speak when it is your turn.”

Siobhan raised her hand, and Carlisle nodded at her to go ahead. She stepped forward, and spoke in her rich Irish accent. “Carlisle, I would like to apologize. I lost my temper at the last meeting. Amun, I’m sorry for the things I said to you. I didn’t mean them, I was letting my anger get the best of me. Please accept my apologies.”

Amun, who clearly was not expecting to hear this, nodded reluctantly. Apparently he was not over their fight. The crowd waiting a few moments to give him the chance to apologize back, but he remained still as a statue, refusing to even look at Siobhan or Carlisle. I simply stared at the sky.

“Right,” Siobhan said awkwardly. “Well, back to you Carlisle. Thank you for letting me say my piece.” She stepped back in line.

“We have been debating which approach to take in setting up our new world.” Carlisle began. “Some of us wish to have a single ruler, some wish for a democracy, and some wish for no rule at all. We need to find a way to agree.”

“Carlisle,” Garrett spoke, stepping forward without permission.  “May I say something?”
Carlisle nodded for him to continue. “The people met secretly yesterday while you were hunting.”He said boldly. “We came to a decision peaceably and we are all under complete agreement on how we wish to proceed.”

Carlisle looked shocked, and a very hurt. “Why wasn’t I informed of this meeting?” He asked quietly.

“Because, it was about you.” Garrett said simply. “There is one thing that each political group can easily and whole-heartedly agree on: you, Carlisle. You are the one we all trust, respect, and would follow without a shadow of a doubt. You have a wise head on your shoulders, and a just approach. You are kind and understanding, and forgiving. We have come up with a system of ruling that allows you to rule our world, but also allows us to have a voice.”

Carlisle looked shocked. “I…I don’t know what to say, Garrett.”

“Allow me to finish explaining. Here is our proposal: we want a group of people who represent each clan to have a seat on a council who will rule our world. That group will be overseen and run by one person: you. If the group cannot decide, they will defer to you judgment.”

Carlisle stood, still surprised and unsure of how to respond.

“Who else will be in this group?” He asked.

“Well, we will leave that up to each clan to decide. But we agreed that your entire family should be on the council. You all are the ones who brought us together, not only 50 years ago, but this past month as well. We never would have been able to defeat the Volturi without you.”

“I accept!” Emmett yelled gleefully. The entire circle burst out laughing.

“I am honored by your offer, truly.” Carlisle said humbly after the laughter died down. “But I cannot accept without consulting with my wife and family first.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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