Can You Hear Me?

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Collection of poems so I don't have a million singular ones in my works...


One day I looked at the world differently

The flowers didn’t bloom, but shriveled

The sun didn’t shine, but burned

The grass didn’t grow, but overtake

The cars didn’t drive, but raced

The signs didn’t say go, but stop

The lights didn’t shine green, but bright red

The days didn’t stay fun, but dreadful

The moon didn’t illuminate, but burned out

The skies didn’t glow blue, but dulled to gray

The house didn’t welcome, but told me to leave

Your eyes weren’t sparkling, but hell fire

Your pupils weren’t soul, but demon

Your ears weren’t open, but closed

Your mouth wasn’t laughing, but yelling

Your hands weren’t holding, but slapping

Your fists weren’t defense, but assault

Your arms weren’t hugging, but squeezing

Your legs weren’t striding, but kicking

Your words weren’t comforting, but cutting

Your heart wasn’t sweet & red, but rotten & blue

Love isn’t reality, but wishful thinking

Peace isn’t real, but a made up concept

Harmony isn’t possible, but a wish

Hope isn’t there, but hatred is

Smiling isn’t truth, but a cover up for a lie

Music isn’t soothing, but scratching, raw emotion

White isn’t innocence, but what I dream of

Life isn’t meaningful, but a silly little game

Hell isn’t a place down under, but here on Earth

Heaven isn’t salvation, but teasing people like me

Guns aren’t dangerous, but quick death

Knives aren’t clean & shiny, but red & bloody

Pills aren’t remedy, but peaceful sleep

Nightmares aren’t scary, but are reality

Cliffs aren’t high, but lows in emotions

Drownings aren’t murky deaths, but clear peace

Car accidents aren’t accidental, but purposeful

Electrocutions aren’t horrific, but bright success

Freezing temps aren’t cold, but normal

Trains aren’t menaces, but large grim reapers

My life isn’t continuing, but dragging its feet

My love isn’t sweet, but non-existent

My existence isn’t praised, but frowned upon

My death isn’t feared, but welcomed willingly

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