Chapter 26: Tahitian Island Pt 1

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Hey peeps, how is everyone? Me I am doing OK just decided to write another chapter for yall. I hope you like it. Tell me what yall think of it please.

Chapter 26: Tahitian Island Pt 1

Bella's P.O.V.

Well we have been in the Dominican Republic for two weeks now. Me and Jasper have been married for two weeks now. Today is Sunday February 19th and we are packing our stuff up to catch a plane at noon. I have had so much fun but I am ready for another place. I did not know that we were going to Tahiti till just today because Jasper wanted to make it a surprise. When he told me I was very happy and could not wait to leave and see another place. So here we are now packing and the bell boy is here to help us load the limo.

“Jasper, I got our stuff here packed. Are we about ready?” I asked him.

“Yeah, I am bring Ty up there to help bring down the bags,” Jazz told me from the bottom of the stairs.

I waited then Ty came up with Jazz and they each grabbed three bags each, I grabbed 2 and that left one. I walked downstairs with the two bags and Ty took them from me, then I went to get the other bag. I looked around making sure we were not leaving anything and when I decided that we had everything I came back downstairs with the other bag. Jazz took the bag from me and he kissed me.

“Are you ready honey?” he asked me.

“I am ready but I am going to miss this place. I had so much fun and I feel sad that we did not get to say bye to Eve at the club,” I told him.

“Well honey, we still have an hour till the plane leaves so we can go by the club real quick and see if she is there,” he told me.

So we told the limo driver that we wanted to go to Sin4Two club and he told us OK. We got there and we saw some cars there. We told the limo driver to wait and we will be back in just a bit. He nodded his head and we walked up to the door. Jazz knocked and the bouncer from the other night opened the door.

“Sorry you two the club is closed for now. Come back around 10:30 pm and you can come in,” he told us.

“We know that you open at 10:30, we are here to say bye to Eve. Is she hear?” I asked him.

“Yes she is, wait here a minute,” he told us.

He walked away and we talked a minute, then Eve was there in front of us.

“Hey guys, Jack told me that you were here to tell me bye. Where are yall going?” she asked us.

“We are leaving here in just a bit to go on part two of our honeymoon. We wanted to tell you bye and hope to see you again sometime. If you want to call us and we can talk and you can maybe come and see us in the states,” it told her.

“I would love to talk to you some more. I just thought that we were only ones here on the island that was like us. Is there other covens around the world like us?” she asked us.

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