Red Memories

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This is my very first FF in english... therefore the language might be...well... bad and kinda boring I guess xD hope you like it thoug! :D Enjoy reading :) 

  Case closed. Teresa Lisbon was in her office thinking about this awful guy she had just arrested. How could a man be so cruel? So heartless? That son of a bitch killed his whole family for no particular reason. She never felt like that before after or during a case. Lisbon was filled with anger and pain and she was just about to cry it out loudly. But that wasn't professional. She was the boss – she had to keep calm in every situation. Lisbon burried her face in her hands and took a deep breath. The door went open and Patrick Jane entered the room. 'Hey', he said. 'Hey yourself.' Lisbon answered quietly. 'Are you ok?' Jane went to her desk and sat down on one of the chairs. She looked

up and nodded. 'Bad liar.' he said and smiled. Lisbon couldn't do different than smiling back. 'I am fine, Jane, I really am.' she prooved and stood up to get to her sofa. 'Wanna talk about it?' for Jane it was more like a retorical question, 'cause Lisbon never wanted to talk about her feelings. 'Never felt like that before...' she started and her colleague needed a second to realize that Teresa Lisbon talked with him about what was going on deep inside her head. He sat down next to her. 'How are you feeling?' he asked and looked at her gently while she was staring at some invisible point in front of her. 'I feel angry, somehow... and sad.' she made a little break. 'Isn't that strange?' Jane took Lisbons hand carefully then he nodded. 'I know what you mean. But I am sure he will get what he deserves. He will feel sorry for what he has done. And trust me, that hurts more than anything else. Feeling sorry for causing someones death. The death of someone you loved.' Lisbon didn't dare to answer. Actually she wouldn't have had the oportunity. Jane was faster. 'I'd like to show you something.' he smiled, stood up and reached for her hand to help her getting up. 'What you wanna show me?' 'You'll see.'

Half an hour later Jane was still driving and Lisbon was fallen asleep. The car stopped somewhere on the highway. Jane opened Lisbons door und woke her up gently. She opened her eyes slowly. 'We arrived?' she yawned. 'Come on! Follow me!' He smiled, locked the car after she got off and took Lisbons hand and pulled her down a little hill. As they reached the bottom, a hackney was waiting for them to enter. 'What the hell is your plan, Jane?' 'Patience, Lisbon. Patience!'

During the ride, Jane tried to cover Lisbons eyes, but she took off the blindfold again. 'Oh, come on, Lisbon! Please, it won't be a surprise if you see where we are going.' 'Well.' Lisbon sight and put it on again. 'Thanks.' ' How long will this ride take?' in that moment the horse stopped and Jane helped her getting off the hackney and he lead her to a place under a high tree. 'You can take it off now.' Jane said. Lisbon looked around. 'Where are we? Isn't that the place we met your friends?And the elephant?' she asked with a smile on her face. 'Right.' He answered and opened the bag he brought. 'Do you want an apple?' he asked. 'Sure.' She took it and smiled. 'Is that the apple you promised to bring me before you were kidnaped by, uh, how was her name? Rachel?' Jane smiled, his plan worked. 'Yup.' Lisbon had to laugh. I wonder why it is still so tasty! After all this time you kept it in your bag.' 'Magic!' he said and laughed with her. Patrick continued with his plan an took out a mp3-player. He gave her one of the ear-things. 'Wanna dance?' 'Actually,...' she started. 'That was not a question, Lisbon.' He took her hand and started the song. Teresa smiled again. 'Are you serious? More than words?' 'Absolutely!' 'You really wanna...' she began but Jane interrupt her 'Ssshhh, Lisbon.' While the two were dancing, the sun went down at the horizon and the sky got colored in a deep orange. 'That's beautiful.' Lisbon whispered. 'Yes. It's beautiful.'he whispered back and slowly lead her back to the tree. The music stopped as they reached it and Patrick continued. The next thing he pulled out of the bag, was a little, wooden box. It didn't seem to have a part to open it. Looked just like a wooden cube. Jane gave it to Lisbon. 'What's in there?' she asked curiously. 'Open it!' 'Ha-ha.' she said 'do you have a hammer with you?' 'Well, not exactly. Got something better.' he said and grabed a magnet. 'Is that the way you open this trick box?' she took it and hold it over the box. It jumped open and she cringed then laughed. 'Well, that's easy.' Patrick smiled. 'Look, what is in the box?' Teresa turned the box and the contant fell into her hand. It was a little, shiny crystal. 'Wow. Is that the one of the beach on San Felix?' Her eyes started glimming. 'Yes. I hope you're not angry with me because I took it from your desk.' 'Let me think of it.' she said, eyes fixed on the stone. The left sunlight made it shine in every possible color. It looked so stunning. 'Why are you doing this?' Teresa suddenly asked. 'Doing what?' 'Reminding me of the cases.' She looked at him. Patrick looked back and their eyes met. 'It was a wonderful time, wasn't it?' 'Yes, It was.' she replied. 'There is one thing left I want to give you.' He said and gave her a little book. 'Don't open it now, please.' 'O-ok.' Teresa answered and stow it in her pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2013 ⏰

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