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      I could feel her eyes on the back of my head, waiting for an answer, drilling into my brain, trying to figure out what I was thinking. ‘Will you stop just staring at me like that?’ I whined.

     ‘I’m sorry,’ she muttered, pathetically. ‘It’s just…please say something.’ I looked down at my hands, thinking. ‘Please, Debby,’ she begged me.

     I turned around to face her. I could hardly look her in the eyes anymore, but I forced myself to. Those grey eyes had always been a mystery to me, but now they were more than that.

     She was getting upset now and I could tell that she would be crying within seconds. The longer I waited to say something, the more hurt she would get. All day I had been practising what I would say to her when I saw her, and now she was here, and none of it seemed right. The thing was, we would have to move on; we had both said and done things we could never take back, so there was only forward to go.

     Ten weeks ago this girl had been my best friend in the world and now, I could hardly look at her.

     ‘What the hell happened to us Beth?’ I sobbed.

Three Years, Five Months and Eleven DaysWhere stories live. Discover now