The Loving Game

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  • Dedicated to Jason :) Because even though your Asianness is confusing, I love you anyway!

This is my first story published on WattPad, the beginning is a little slow, but it picks up a bit in the next few chapters. Please comment and tell me what you think! :)

Chapter 1

                "No Jen! I don't want to go. Owen will be there." I mumble, face down on my bed. After my best friend had eagerly burst open the door to my bedroom dragging on about how I need to be more social. I can't believe my mom actually let her in the house this early in the morning.

                "Oh shut up Rory. You know you need to go! What else are you going to do on Halloween? Hand out candy to the neighbor kids? BO-RING." She says in a singsong voice and rips open the burgundy curtains on my window, bathing me in daylight.

                "I don't know, I was planning to." I groan. I hear her open my closet and begin to tear through my clothes. I feel an article of clothing fall on my back as she tosses unapproved clothing behind her without a care. I roll over onto my side and prop my head up on my hand. I examine what was thrown at me. A horrid green Christmas sweater my aunt gave me last year.

                "You know, maybe Owen wouldn't have broken up with you if your clothes weren't so ugly." My friend says.

                "Insensitive much?" I ask and rub my eyes, sitting up.

                "I wasn't insensitive...I was just...brutally honest." She says, then pauses, a hanger in her hand with a sundress from two years ago on it. She spins around to look at me. "Okay, fine. It was insensitive. But it's been like...two days. That's long enough to get over a guy." She says.

                I roll my eyes. Jen with her tumbling red curls, with not a hair out of place, and bright gold eyes always seemed to bounce from guy to guy without a care in the world. She was tall and skinny with perfect skin, but not a freckle in sight. I feel a tiny pang of jealousy that Jen can forget about a boyfriend as easily as she could flirt her way out of a speeding ticket.

                "Jen," I say. "Owen wasn't some guy I just hooked up with at some club. I dated him for seven months."

                "Exactly! I don't know how you could stand staying with the same person for that long! It's unheard of." She says, she picks up a pair of worn boots from my closet and looks at them closely, before hurling them across the room, hitting the wall, and falling to the floor.

                "It's not unheard of. It's called monogamy." I say and shake my black hair out of its messy bun.

                "Where's the fun in that?" She stops going through my closet and instead moves to my dresser. "Staying with one person for so long must be torturous. It's like only drinking water for the rest of your life. You need to throw a little alcohol in there for some fun."

                Jen knows how I don't drink, I find it needless and unproductive. "Jen, love isn't a competition." I say.

                "Oh yes it is! And let me clue you in on something. You're losing." She says and yanks open another drawer on my dresser.

                I flop back on my bed and close my eyes, not wanting to bicker any longer.

                "Oh no you don't!" Jen complains and yanks on my wrist, pulling me up. "It's official. You have no attractive clothing. We're going shopping and we're going to find something cute for you to wear. And you will go to that party tonight, and you will make Owen jealous, and you will like it dammit! Now slip on some shoes and we're driving to the mall."

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