To Be The One

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Ever wanted to just feel you know, special? 

Well I didn't, at least, not this special. I mean, most people when asked what they aspire to be when they're older-- the answer is usually pretty straight forward. But me? No. 

   "What about you, Frances Sullins?" 

"Wha--What?" Startled my head tilted up to meet the greying teacher's hair line. 

"What is it you want to be when you're older?"

It wasn't a question I got asked a lot, in fact, this was a first; yet I knew the answer. It sat there at the tip of my tongue. "The One." My younger self replied, quite contently.


"Yes. I want to be The One."

This was pretty normal for me at the time. According to my Auntie, it's all I ever spoke about. Being 'The One'. No one ever really questioned me on it, and then again; I couldn't tell them what I meant by it anyway. I didn't even know myself.

The teacher nodded, moving onto the next student. I felt uncomfortable in the classroom, like it was too hot yet at the same time...too cold. Staring out the window as a nimble nine year old, I often just let my mind wander. But that's when it begun.

At first it was like a pain in the back of my skull, as if a tight belt was being wrapped around the gooey membrane inside my head. I could remember myself screaming, students and teachers alike rushing to my aid, only, I couldn't see them, only hear their frantic yells and screams.

   To this day, I still don't quite know what happened in that classroom when I was nine years old, my Auntie never talks about it. But--

All I know now is, whatever happened that day, whatever it was; to be The One, I would have to get past him first.

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