Interview 2-Soccergirl123

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For my second interview i rally enjoyed it. Soccergirl123 was so funny to me and very interesting. She wrote long paragraghs, but hey im not complaining. She was funny to me.

How did you discover wattpad?

Well, I am an avid reader and I am always scuraging the world wide web for new stories. After reading 300 of the same bland generic books, I became frustrated and annoyed. I mean, come on, how many times and you write a book about a damsel in distress? And the white knight on a shiny white horse? Don't you professional writers think you've killed it enough yet? 'Cause I do. 

Meantime, during my period of annoyance, I had a little notebook where I would scribble storylines or I would rewrite an ending to a book if I didn't like it. When one day, I was in calculus class and I began writing this story. I'm not really sure how I thought of it or anything, but two sentences became two paragraphs.

Paragraphs were transforming into chapters. And finally chapters tranformed into the first book of a series. I was stunned. I mean if I can write a story, then why can't other kids my age? And so I began looking for websites that catered to young writers, or untried authors. I looked for places where I could also post my story and recieve feedback. And through my search this annoying website would pop up. I didn't know what it was and I asked around, no one else really knew about it. Finally I couldn't resist the urge and in a click of aggravation I ended up on Wattpad.

To me, it was like love at first sight! I mean there are still a few drawbacks here and there, some writers don't use proper grammar, those beat the same dead horse as other published authors do. But once in a while you can discover a gem. A true story, something that should become published for everyone ot see.

So that's my story/ adventure of finding wattpad!

haha very nice so what is your story about?

I have one series. It is called Chaotic. The first book is Chaos and the second book is Havoc. The two books are Action/Paranormals.

Here is the blurb for the first book, Chaos.

The Agents. A secret society that kidnapps, tortures, and experiments on shifters.

The Shifters. Trying to live life before the fey decided to tell the world about their existance. Trying to make a safer world for their children in the chaos.Chaos. Chaos? Well, no body actually knows who she is. What her motives are. Or how she came about. Everyone know just knows one thing, Chaos is dangerous and is itching for revenge against the Agents.

My other story is an Teeb Fiction/Drama called Experiemented: Well Suited?

Here is that blurb.

43% of students are afraid to go to the bathroom at school.80% of the time, an agrument will end in a fight.Did you know? Well, Crystal certainly didn't. She's never been bullied in her life. She's seen the occasionally shove to the 'dork.' Heard the common comments and gossip of the 'loser.' But, she, herself has never experienced it. That is all going to change freshman year. Crystal needs the money to go to a good Catholic high school. So she decided to try this experiment. For two years, she will experience school wearing a cosmetically designed 'fat suit.' Then for the remaining two years, she will experience school without the suit. Its an experiment, but is it well suited?

Hopefully my works are orginal. It is one of my pet pevees and I try and stay away from 'tall, dark, and handsome' but sometimes, it is just impossible to resist the allure. 

Sounds like a very interesting stories. I see you have a fair amount of fans, can you give any advice to other people on how to get some?

Easy peasy. Its actually quite simple. Every Wattpadder/Wattpadian/Wattpaddict has a story they want to be read.  But the simple unwritten rule out here, or so I like to believe, is 'Wattpad is a community.' And in a community everyone has to help everyone else. If you read a story and see a grammatical error, point it out! *But in a kind matter.

There is a difference between constructive criticism and rudeness!* If you read a book you really like, let the author know! But don't just do a silly, 'plz upload.' Tell the author what you like! Was there a really funny line that made you laugh out loud?Was there a scene that had your stomach tangled in knots and your eyes kept skimming faster and faster to find out what happened?

Wattpad is a community and you as a member must contribute. If someone fans you, take a moment and thank them, it is common curtesy. If you are really really obsessed with a book, shout it out to your friends on wattpad. I'm sure they would like to know. Right now, I stalk-- in the non-creepy way, of course-- about four different authors for their works. AnnaSpear, TheOrangutan, MishaCobian. 

But furthermore, when someone fans you, try and talk to them. I am almost friends with most of my fans. I send them a message or a PM and just ask how their day is going or how school is. If I know a particular person just went on vacation, I'll ask them about it. It is quite simple. If you are nice and kind and caring to your original fans, then world will spread! 

Ps and don't take offense to someone who points out a mistake, they are only trying to help you!  

So are there any not so famous writer that you would want to help out? Tell us about there stories ect.

Well my one friend on Wattpad is currently trying to finish editing her book to be sent off to Publishing Companies. Her name is KaminaStone. Since she has been furiously editing her story, she has put a hold on a couple of her stories on Wattpad, but still her writing is amazing. My favorite book of her's is All Cats Have Claws. 

Another author of Wattpad, that I follow constantly is MishaCobian. I actually found out her book from Wattpad's blog. Her book is called 'Faking It.' It is a true work of art. Between humor, mock horror, sacastic remarks and so much more, I enjoy reading it. Her story is about a young teenager 'faking' a reelationship with her best friend who happens to be gay. However several complications pop up and at the moment she is starting to feel feelings for his 'boyfriends' older brother.

Seriously, she should publish this book when she is finsihed. She does her homework and researches topics that she talks about in her story. The main character has a herbal tea obsession and I remember her saying that she 'now knows more about herbal tea than she would like too.' The fact that she researches information tells you she not only cares about her readers, but she takes her writing serious.

And last but not least, is AnnaSpears. She has taken magical abilites to a whole new level. With her magical world Zemia you get sucked into the story. Her first book is called 'The Gift' and at the moment, her second book is called 'The General' i absolutely enjoy her stories! She is a fanstatic writer as well!

Wow, sounds interesting i should probably check them out. So do do anything else on here? Do you make bookcovers. edit, review ect?

Well, I am sadly not gifted in the art of making bookcovers. I wish I could though. And I don't usually edit, because I, myself, am not a great writer--It would probably end up being a case of 'the blind leading the blind.' I do review some, but when I leave a comment, I try to put in helpful tips and constructive cristism.

I also try to make sure my comments are unique and inform my favorite part of the story or if I thought something was funny. Because just by siting something you inform the author that you actually read the story. You didn't just write 'wow, sooo good! I loved it. upload soon! plz?" Because honestly, I could just type that on any story without reading it. 

True, so is there anything you want to say before we go? It was great interviewing you.

Thank you. Also, I would like to take the time to say thank you to all of my fans. I am not sure that they understand this, but they true make my day with each vote and each comment. The fact that they take time out of their day to read my story is gobsmacking, mind-blowing. I know I probably tell them this everytime I send out a huge fan broadcast, but seriously, my fans are awesome. Also, I would like to thank you for taking your time and interviewing me. It has been fun and hopefully we can stay in touch! (:

Haha, thank you and we should 

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