My Twilight Part 18

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Chapter 22

I couldn’t honestly tell you how my trip to Italy went because I couldn’t remember.  I stared out at the clouds the whole time, thinking, and the time passed faster than I could blink.  I was going to my death, this would probably be the last time I looked at the sun.  My life, my long life, was about to end. 

I couldn’t help but miss Edward so much that my heart wanted to burst.

He wouldn’t dare come after me, it’s much too dangerous.  It would be suicide for him to even step foot in Italy.  I wasn’t worth his life.  Nothing was worth his life, least of all me.

I love Edward Cullen.  

The real truth seemed to slap me in the face as soon as he was gone from my sight.  I couldn’t believe how foolish I had been.  Why did I always push him away when things got serious?  He and James were nothing alike, and the fact that I even compared them disgraced me.  I felt an immense amount of guilt over how I last treated him. 

He probably hates me now.

So I walked into the, now large, Volturi mansion… with no hope at all.

Death and I seemed to be constant correspondents, and now I would sleep with him forever.

“Isabella, is it quite a shame that you are so uncontrollable.  Your powers are unique, as is your strength.  If only I had been able to tame you… tisk.” Aro whispered in my direction and a shiver went down my spine.  The man was too creepy for his own good.

“I’m pretty overwhelming.” He let out a crackling laugh as we descended into their lair.

“Yes, yes you are, but that will all be ending now.”

“So it’s time?” Fear choked my throat without my permission, I didn’t want to be afraid.  I wanted to end my life bravely.

“Not yet, Isabella.” The answer surprised me, and I gazed at Aro, finally seeing his expression.  He looked triumphant, as would be expected, but there was something else in his face as well.  Fear.

“What’s going on?” I asked as panic filled me.  I didn’t understand anything that was happening, I should have died by now.

“My Bella, haven’t you learned anything yet?” The voice stopped me in my tracks as the world seemed to slow down around me.

James walked into the room, his dark coat billowing behind him.  My face fell into shock as all of my muscles contracted.  James.  James followed me here, and by the expression on Aro’s face, this was all planned.  James planned it all from the beginning.  My stomach did summersaults at the thought.

“I have you now, my Bella, and no one is going to stop me.” He gracefully walked and faced me.  He leaned his head down to my ear.

“Not your werewolf pet.”

He walked around me and leaned his head to my other ear, raising the hair on the back of my neck.

“Not the Cullen’s.”

He faced me again, smiled, leaned down, and pressed his lips to mine.  The world froze around me as I struggled to push him away.  When he finally released me, I was breathing heavily.

“Most of all, my Bella, not your lover.”

He kissed me again, this time much shorter.  Then he leaned his forehead against mine and whispered to me.  The words cause me to stop struggling, and I simply gave up.  He won.

“Your Edward Cullen is not coming.”

Edward’s POV

“We have to go save her!”

“Calm down Edward, we can’t go barging into the Volturi.  We have to come up with a plan.” Alice spoke logic, but I was beyond logic.  My mind was spinning with anger, fear, and loss.  All I wanted was Bella safe; I would do anything to save her.

“We need to leave, NOW.  She could already be…”  I couldn’t finish my sentence as the world spun around me.  She can’t be, she can’t be, she can’t be.  Bella can’t be dead.

“Edward’s right.  We need to leave, but we need to leave with a plan in mind.” Emmett actually sounded serious, for once in his life.

“What are we going to do?” Jacob asked, we allowed him and his pack in our house under the condition that he help Bella.

The family fell silent as the question surrounded us.  How could we save Bella with so many people against us?  No plans seemed possible.

That’s when the front door broke down.

“You need a plan?” The woman stepped over the broken door and faced us all. “I’ll give you a plan.”

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