113: The Disney Movie You Watch Together

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Liam: Today, you were both meant to go swimming as you promised Liam that you would. Although, it started to rain by later on, there was a thunderstorm. You felt so bad for him that you really wanted to make it up to him. "Li?" You said, he looked up at you. "Yes Y/N" Liam said, "I'm really sorry that we didn't go swimming" You said, rather sadly. "It's alright Love, we can go another time" Liam said. You smiled, "How about we watch a movie?" You said smirking. And that's when you saw Liam's face light up, you knew exactly what movie he wanted to watch. "Toy Story!" Liam said, getting the popcorn. You laughed and put the movie on for the both of you.

Niall: "Y/N? Y/N?" Niall called, you came into the kitchen knowing that he would be in there. "Hey Nialler" You said, giving him a quick kiss. "Babe, I rented a movie that I thought we could watch together"Niall said, getting it out of the plastic bag. "The Parent Trap!" You said, excitedly, Niall smiled. "I know it's one of your favourites Y/N" Niall said, kissing you.

Zayn: Zayn was meant to be home an hour ago and you started to get worried. You tried calling him and texting him but he wouldn't reply to those. Then Zayn came through the front door. "Zayn? You alright?" You said, going over to him. "Not really" Zayn said, sighing. "What happened?" You asked, "Management" Zayn said, rolling his eyes. You smiled slightly, "Don't worry about it Zayn, I'm sure there's something we can do to get it off your mind" You said, going over to the 'Movies' cupboard. "What do you want to watch?" You asked, "How about Aladdin?" Zayn said. "Good idea" You said, smiling.

Harry: You popped out to the shops as Harry was ill. You went to get him medicine when you saw some movies on a sale. You bought a few that you knew Harry would really like to watch. As soon as you got home, you saw Harry lazing on the sofa with a blanket around him. "I got your medicine Haz" You said, kissing his forehead. "Thanks babe" Harry said, smiling slightly. "I was thinking that we could watch a movie together, I know Bambi's your favourite" You say. Harry smiled, "Yay!" He said, smiling even more. You put the movie on and cuddled into him. "Babe, I don't want you being ill too" Harry said. "It's fine Harry, I don't mind being ill as long as I'm with you!" You said, smiling.

Louis: "Y/N! Y/N!" Louis said, waking you up. You sat up in bed, "Lou, I'm tired" You said, rolling over to face him. "Please wake up Babe, there's a package" Louis said. "A package?! We never get them" You said. "Exactly and that's why we have to see what's in it!" Louis said, lifting you up bridal style and taking you into the living room. You sat next to eachother and opened the package. "Yes Y/N! We got a movie!!!" Louis said, getting really excited. You smiled and looked at it, "Freaky Friday? This looks new" You said, reading the back of it. "And that's why we need to watch it now!" Louis said, snatching it off you, you laughed and ran to get the popcorn and sweets you had saved for another one of your movie nights.

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