Defiance...Adila's Story

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I jumped off the building, landing in front of Datak Tarr. He jumped back, glaring at me. His dirty white hairwas what ticked me off.

"Adila," he stated so matter-of-factly,"get out of my way." This Casti jerk was about to get a licking.

"Ah, Datak, the man of the Tarr's, and just the man I wanted to see," I started, walking around him, I sensed Stahma in the shadows, watching us in the back alley behind the lawkeepers building. "I can do whatever I want...and no lawkeepers are here to save you now, Datak!" I hissed.

"You dirty Irath! Did Kenya send you for her money back?! I offered protection!" he yelled at me. His yellow eyes showing his hatred for my race. I spat on his shoes, my dark brown eyes portraying no emotion.

"You little piece of shtako! You should be put down right here by me-"

"Is there a problem here?" Nolan asked while he walked up to us, watching me in particular.

"Yes! This Irathient assaulted me!"Datak said, I growled under my breath.

"Is this true, Adila?" he asked, I was known well by the lawkeepers, mostly for being a trouble maker. I started bar fights and got involved in some for Kenya's sake.

"He owes me."I said, not looking up at Nolan.

"Okay, Adila, come on, I'll let you out in an hour."Nolan said grabbing my arm, I kept staring at Datak.

"'ll need more "protection" to protect you from me." I hissed as Nolan pulled me away.

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