[15] The Lost Superhero

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"Grown ups are complicated creatures, full of quirks and secrets." 
~ Rhode Dahl

June 11, 2043
10:30 A.M

            Louis really, really, really missed his childhood.

            In One Direction he was always viewed as the childish one, the ‘Peter Pan’ who never wanted to grow up. He could admit that it was true too, because something about really growing up was just terrifying to him, as a teenager and even a young adult.

            Louis especially missed not having any worries. When he was really young, his biggest troubles would be falling asleep during naptime because he was always so hyperactive – at least he was in his head. Apparently, that wasn’t really the case.

            Anyways, now though, falling asleep had different troubles about it.

            “Louis, are you up and ready? We’ve got to go in ten or we’ll be late!”

            Louis heard his mother calling him up the stairs, sounding far too chipper to be healthy. The thing is, ever since Louis exploded on her when she told him the truth, it was like she was trying to be doubly happier, to make up for it.

            It really didn’t, but Louis didn’t have the heart to tell her that. He felt totally and utterly terrible about his outburst before and then showing up in the dead of night later from the hospital, dropped off so kindly by Harry.

            Louis was beginning to wonder if he, himself, was beginning to be more trouble than he was worth. He almost began to think that they should have kept him under that stupid drug, though he would have to wake up eventually, so it probably wasn’t much better of an idea.

            See, this was yet another reason why growing up had absolutely zero appeal to Louis. Before, he didn’t have all these damn appointments and work and serious issues like almost-murder of one of his best mates.

            If there were secrets being kept, he remained oblivious. At this age, if someone was keeping a terrible secret, he knew something was off, but as a kid, there was no telling and no point. He wouldn’t have cared enough to find out at that age.

            “Louis, I’m serious! I’m sorry, but we really need to go!”

            Louis sighed, knowing he’d prolonged this far more than he should have already. Avoiding one’s own mother so persistently really had to be unhealthy.

            “I’m coming, I’m coming!” He called as he slipped on his shoes and walked down the stairs, seeing his mother with her coat already on and her purse over her shoulder, waiting.

            Eventually, the pair of them got in the car and took the – as always – silent drive over to the supposedly secret, government testing facility to get his usual tests done.

            Everything was nice for the day in Doncaster, comfortable weather, no traffic, and an all around good day, at least, it should’ve been. Louis could see nothing good or nice about the day at all, not since his world really began to crumble, all because of his parents and these damn scientists.

            So yeah, one could say he was a bit bitter every time he found himself standing outside this building.

            By the time they got inside and began all the usual things, there was literally nothing to do for Louis except routine, which was being accommodating and brooding at the same time.

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