Chapter 7: Amative Behaviour

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Gotta give a shout out to my fellow Street Team members. Janita & Edwina. They blow up the group chat when I update!!! Love them too much lol.

I've been slow with updating due to personal issues.

It's been an age...forgive me? If you do still care about this story, let me know. I'm trying to edit & update and start again.

Love, Peace & Oreos


I ran in the direction of the scream. Not pausing for a second. I called Talia's name twice but couldnt find her. The screaming had stopped and the silence that replaced it was deafening. I called her name louder, not caring what could hear me. So many different images of Talia being consumed by that terrifying creature filled my brain and at that moment all I cared about was finding my sister and finding her well. I was praying that the screaming hadnt stopped because something bad had happened when I spotted her by a rock pool not too far off holding her phone in the air. She was walking round muttering to herself, left hand in the air. She really wasnt faring nearly as well as Jacob or I, her peach coloured shirt was ripped and shredded almost to pieces and hung in limp thin strips of cloth around her torso. Her jeans, once tight and studded around the waist were now ripped into crude shorts and faded in many places, probably due to the many hours of assualt they faced from the sea. Her hair was a wild tangled mess and she looked like she hadnt slept for days. A part of me wanted to rush over to her and rip her hair out. The other part of me, the more comforting part, felt like rushing over to her and hugging her close. I thought of how we had acted towards each other. She scolded me, I pushed her away in the most crucial moment and she in turn, turned me away when we both needed each other. I just want this visicous cycle to end. Stranded on an unknown island, in the middle of nowhere, I needed my sister more than I ever have in my entire life.

I was about to start towards her when I heard Jacob come crashing through the undergrowth. "Alexandria, you cant keep running off like that. Its dangerous as fuck." He panted, obviously tired but also furious."It's too dark to be trying to follow screams in a heavily wooded area in the middle of-" His voice tailed off as he saw Talia.

"Jacob, I'm sorry, but I heard Talia scream and I th-" I stopped.Jacob was staring at her, recognition clouding his haughty features. I looked from him to Talia and found a weird sensation creep over me. Talia was looking at him the way a young child looks at a particularly large piece of candy. Everything about the way she was looking at him was really annoying to me. I folded my arms and pursed my lips. Talia went into an automatic stupor and her eyes shone with an adoration I'd never seen before. I felt my desire for reconciliation ebb away in spite of myself.

She twiddled with a strand of her completely atrocious wire-wool hair. "Hey Jacob. What are you doing here?"  She asked as if she had bumped into him in front of the mall back home or something. 

I didnt know if it was her sickly sweet tone, or her suspiciously shiny smile, her stupid question or the fact that she was totally ignoring me. Something inside me snapped. "So, Talia," I said, trying to grab her attention." She put a hand up to silence me, but it wasnt going to work. Not this time. "My favourite sister in the w-" She gasped loudly quickly checking to see if the subtle confession of our relation had been noticed by Jacob. 

Of course it didn't. "Sister?" Jacob said in mild surprise. She glared at me.

"No." She said firmly.

"Yes." I said with equal firmness. We had spoken at the same time. I raised an eyebrow. "I think what Talia is trying to say is-"

"No no, I see it. The similarities are slight but theyre still there. I mean, you both have that dimple in your left cheek and a slight curve to your nose." He cocked his head to the side before speaking again. "Both of you have small earlobes."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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