He Assigns Me Homework, Gives Me Detention, Then kisses me? WTF! **Teacher** 14

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“Andy, wake up…” I felt a gentle nudge and I opened my eyes, instantly closing them.

“Turn off the lights.” I mumbled.

“I can’t…it’s the sun.” Tristan laughed.

“Then turn that off.” I turned over, stuffing my head under the pillow. I heard a shuffling sound and then opened my eyes to see the curtains closed.

“Here.” Tristan handed me some advil and water. I gulped it down hungrily, dying for this headache to go away.

“Do you feel ok? Do you need to use the toilet?” he asked. It took me a minute to realize he was suggesting I might need to puke. I shook my head. Surprisingly I was fine in that department.

“Andy, I know you may not want to… but we need to talk about what happened last night. Did someone punch you?” he asked, staring into my eyes.

“It was an accident.” I whispered. He could tell if I was lying, so there was no point in it. But there was no way I could tell him what really happened. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to believe that yet.

“Okay, I believe you. Where were you last night?”


“You were at the Patch? With who?” he became angry.

“Just Neruda! Her date wanted to go and I thought it would be fun. I’m never doing it again though, I promise.” He took my hands in his own.

“You better not. The scum that hangs out there Andy, is exactly that… scum. You don’t need those type of people in your life.” I silently fumed. “Yeah and I need a murderer in my bed?” I thought, standing up.

“I need to get home. My mom probably thinks I slept at Neruda’s.” I mumbled, pushing passed him. I picked up my clothes off the floor and locked the bathroom door.

“Do you want breakfast?” I heard him ask through the wood.

“No. I just want to go home.”

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing. I just can’t do this anymore Tristan. I shouldn’t have even called you.” I slid on my shorts and zipped up the zipper. I threw my hair into a messy bun and left the bathroom.

“Why are you acting like this?” he asked frustrated.

“I’m not acting any different than I should be. You and me…we can’t work. It’s purely hormones and nothing else.” I said. He gritted his teeth.

“Is that what you think? That all I want is this?” he asked, pressing me against the wall and touching my thigh.

“That’s all it seems.” I said icily.

“It’s not…can’t you trust me?” I met his eyes and felt a surge of…something… love? It ran through my entire body, causing my stomach and heart to flutter.

“Sometimes, yes…but there is just too much I don’t know.” I looked over to the picture of my father. ‘The man who killed my father’ he had said. My father…killed his, and there was no way he could ever know the truth. But without him knowing… I would never know. Damned or be Damned.

“I need to go home, I have a ton of homework.” I said pushing passed him.

“Can I at least give you a ride?” he asked grabbing his keys. I shrugged my shoulders and walked out, waiting on the steps for him.

By the time we arrived at my house my mother was at work. Tristan parked the car and killed the engine. I shuddered…wrong word to use…kill.

“So, what exactly do we do from here?” he asked, staring ahead.

He Assigns Me Homework, Gives Me Detention, Then kisses me? WTF! **Teacher**Where stories live. Discover now