I fell in love with my stepbrother and I have a boyfriend-Part 17

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Hey! I haven't written anything in a while, almost 3 years. I forgot my password & then remembered it then managed to sign in. I look at the comments & many of you are requesting me to upload another chapter. Sorry for the delay, so here it goes... I fell in love with my stepbrother and I have a boyfriend part 17!

Jamies P.O.V:

Fuck. Why did I leave Ryan & Jake alone? I

wonder what they're talking about... No, no. Jake has no clue I mean how could he? I told him that Ryan only told me he broke up with Demi. What if Ryan's telling Jake that he "loves" me? Oh my gosh, should I go back? I'm over thinking it's probably nothing.

"Demi get dressed we're going to the beach." I say throwing her, her bikini that was on my bed.

"I'll pass." She said dryly.

"Why cause Ryan broke up with you?" I muttered.

I know she hears me but she ignores it.

"Look Jamie... I don't like you very much..." She says eyeing me up & down.

"Yeah well it's not like I'm very fond of you either." I say turning around while grabbing my beach bag that I had packed the night before.

She grabs me by my wrist

"Watch what you do Demi, don't grab me like that!" I say in a loud voice.

"Listen bitch. It's not even about Jake anymore. I can't stand you. You better make sure that I'm gonna take everything you have. Your friends, boyfriend... everything." She says

I laugh. Hard.

"You're a fucking psycho, you should go get that checked out. I have somewhere to be so I'll be on my way. I expect you and your shit gone by the time I get back." I say heading towards the door

"You don't tell me what to do"

"Last time I checked this was MY boyfriends fathers house. I think in this situation I do." I finally exit bumping into a hard chest as I almost get off balance and fall

"Babe! You okay?" Jake says looking at me as if I were a fragile piece of glass he just dropped

"I didn't even fall Jake." I half laugh and he rolls his eyes

"We need to talk..." He says with a serious face now.

"About?" I say looking in the distance where Ryan was watching us cautiously

"Um. Ok, look I know Ryan is your best friend and all, but I don't really trust him around you... I don't like him" He says quickly just spitting it out.

I mean when your girlfriends best friend says he loves her of corse one wouldn't like Ryan.

I sigh.

"He's my best friend Jake. If you feel so insecure about it why don't you just go talk to him?" I step backwards a little gesturing toward the area Ryan was in sitting on a chair.

"Insecure? Come on Jamie.. Of what? Ryan? Ryan isn't even a good human being he's an asshole anyone can see that." Jake rolls his eyes as if this isn't news

"Listen, lets not forget that Ryan was the one who was there for me when you left me all by myself. He was the one to comfort me, and tell me I'm gonna be fine. Lets not forget he was there for me when I cried about watching you on tv with camille." I snapped getting angrier by the second.

"Just forget it Jake. Lets go home I don't wanna go to the beach anymore." I say walking away to go pack my bags

I was so mad. Yes Ryan said he loved me but I'm sure he doesn't even know what love feels. He might love me, of corse, because im his best friend. Thats what he probably meant when he said it anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2013 ⏰

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