Taking A Chance

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Taking A Chance

"Is Austin coming back or are we waiting here for him?" Bailey asked as she fished out her half of money and placed it on the silver plate. I placed mine too not sure how to answer. I had no clue if he was coming back he just stormed out!

"I'll text." I pulled out my phone and sent Austin a text thinking he'd either ignore it or just take time to answer but a minute later my phone was jingling in my hand.


"We can go." I muttered almost bitterly as we got up and left.

"So where are we gonna go next? I mean we still have the whole of summer to plan." Tina said wrapped her arm in Baileys as they walked towards the van in front of me and Sam.

He was rather silent...yeah...there's something way off about him!

"Whats up?" I asked nudging his arm.

Lately I've been doing that a lot, I think I'mma give up on checking on people.

"Huh? Oh nothing. I was just thinking...are you single?" Yep, now it was my turn to stop walking, look up at him and stare wide eyed. "Oh my bad! I don't mean it like that! It's um...well are you?" I nodded now a little more confused as I narrowed my eyes at Sam watching as her nervously played with the car keys in his fingers. "So...would you turn someone down if they gave you flowers?"

"Um...Sam, for the sake of my mind...What are YOU talking about?" He looked up at me, his face palling a little.

"Swear you won't say a thing?" I rolled my eyes, who did he think he was talking to here? I never tell secrets...ok unless I don't like you...which I still don't do very easily. I folded my arms across my chest and rose one eye brow at him watching as he sighed. "I'm thinking about asking Tina out."

"Wow..." yeah, that caught me off mark.

So he was just being friendly!

Yeah...wait off my shoulders.

"Well I dunno, she might turn them down only because she likes playing hard to get so you better have more then that up your sleeve." I smiled and began walking as he followed behind blurting out questions as I answered them hoping he'd actually get somewhere.

Chances are, Tina would stare at him and then burst into laughter before realising he was actually serouse but people have a way to surprise you and I know Tina pretty well.

Maybe a little too well.

"Look Sam, just go for it." I said turning on my heel to face him as we reached the car.

He nodded and unlocked the doors but just as I was about to jump in my eyes caught on Austin. He was sitting across the road on a bench with his hands folded and his elbows resting on his knees. His eyes were fixed on nothing on the ground like he was thinking hard about something.

"You know what? I'll stay for a bit, I'll find you guys at the hotel."

"But you don't know how to get back?" Tina asked confused as I stepped back out from the car.

"I'll grab a taxi." Before anyone else had a chance to say anything, I slammed the door shut and crossed the road waiting until they left before making my way towards Austin pulling my jacket a little more over my chest as the cold air blew my hair back. "Is this seat taken?"

He looked up at me with surprise before a small smile tugged at his lips and he shifted over.

"Not at all."

I took a seat and looked out at the city smiling to myself.

"Gabby Swift, nice to meet you." I held my hand out as he looked down at it and then back at me confused.

"Austin...nice to meet you." He gently took my hand still confused at to what I was doing.

"It's funny, I read this story where this girl for one night pretended like she didn't know this guy and gave it a shot to see what it would be like to be someone else for just one single night." I looked over at him and saw his face lighten as he caught on. "Yeah, I always wondered what it would be like to be someone else for a night."

"I'm sure you'd regret it in the morning, every stranger has a secret."

"Your right. They do, but every secret has a keeper."

"And every keeper has a-"

"Desire?" Yeah I have no clue where I'm going with this but I enjoyed seeing that smile across his lips and the way his eyes sparkled in the light.

I stood sighing as I began to walk away.

"I guess I'll have to wait then...." I trailed off purposely as I heard his footsteps sound behind me and then gently his hand crept into mine pulling me around to face him as my free hand pressed smoothly against his chest and my eyes looked up into his. "I think I'm already falling for you..."

I didn't want the words to leave my lips but I couldn't help them.

His eyes at that moment made me, forced me to tell him the truth. And my voice broke into a whisper as my heart beat crazily in my chest, I'd finally admited it to myself at the same time and I think I was already taking a chance...I think I was already ready.

"W-what?" He muttered shocked as he looked down at me.

"I think I'm-" I didn't get a chance to answer him as his lips slammed to mine and my hand swept straight into his hair as I kissed back feeling the rain begin to suddenly pour down wetting us both as people rushed by while we stood, kissing as if time had suddenly stopped still.


The end.....

Yeah I now, I didn't tell you guys it was ending but that's because I wasn't sure either. You see, I already had this story written and it was meant to be short, I was meant to leave it like this and let you guys guess what could happen next!!!!

So there you go, its over! Don't be sad though, because I know how it seems right now but if you want, I'll write a squeal perhaps sometime during christmas which actually isn't that far away if you think about it XD In fact, I will write a second book to it so you lot don't think it was too rushed and you'll see what happens to them!!!!!! So VOTE COMMENT AND FAN!!!!

Hope you enjoyed and thanks to everyone who supported this story! A great big thanks to HisBunni! She's been like a constant help during this story!

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