Ninja Clans: Scroll 5: Recruit

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(Music- Kingdom Hearts Traverse Town (1.5 Remix)


About a week has past since I learned about the Fire Clan. I continued my training and doing missions, they helped give me fighting experience, when I needed to fight, that is. The villagers knew about ninjas, thought they didn't know how to contact me to do the missions. "What is the next step?" I wondered to myself. "What else can I do to improve the clan?" I decided on taking in a student, that way, more work can be done, I believe I am skilled enough to train a student now. "Who should be my student?" The first person to come to mind would be my childhood friend, Zexel. I left the clan and headed to Zexel's house. It was still fairly early in the morning, though Zexel should be up by now. I haven't seen him in a few weeks, I wonder how he is. Zexel had blue eyes and short, spiky blond hair, white skin and was fairly slim, no muscle. I entered the village and made my way to his house, without being noticed. No one was around as I knocked on his door, and in a few seconds he opened up.

"Hey, Xelie, where've you been these days?" Asked Zexel. "I went to your house but you weren't there," he continued. 

"I've been around, what have you been up to these days?" I asked. 

"Mostly just work, I've learned to make different weapons and tools at the smith." He replied. Ah yes, Zexel works as the student of the blacksmith. 

"Interesting, Zexel, I want you to come to the Shadow Forest later today. Meet me in the forest at sunset," I told him. 

"No way! The forest is said to be haunted and it's forbidden to enter!" replied Zexel.

"It's not haunted, those are just rumors! I've been there for the past few weeks, and I've discovered something. I want to show you!" I told him. 

"... Could you be the ninja everyone is talking about?! The one that's been helping people with their tasks?" Asked Zexel. 

"I'll be seeing you at sunset," I told him, with that I turned around and jumped high into the air and headed back for the clan, to quick to be seen by Zexel. To him it looked as though I disappeared, so he was surprised. 


I sat on a rock waiting for Zexel. "If he can find his way here, then he is worthy of being a ninja," I thought to myself. "If not... then I will look for him, to make sure he doesn't get lost, and return him to the village. Only those worthy of becoming Shadow "Ninja can walk through the forest without getting lost," I coated from one of the books in the library. This was how people were tested to see if they could become ninja or not. "If they can find the clan, they are worthy, if not, then they get lost in the forest, and sometimes they are never to be seen again." I thought aloud. 

-----Zexel's point of view-----

"Should I go" I thought to myself. "Xelie is always so mysterious and cryptic!" I continued. "Might as well see whats inside" I decided to continue. The forest was dark, eerie and I felt as though I was being watched. I'd see something with the sides of my eyes every now and then. I continued through the forest and soon found myself face in front of a rock with weird carvings. On the rock sat Xelie. 

-----Xelie's point of view-----

"Welcome. You sure took your time," I said to him.

"It isn't exactly 'easy' to navigate through this place!" He complained. "So what was it you wanted me to see?" He continued.

"Try pushing this rock," I said to him as I jumped off. 

"Why?" He asked.

"Just do it," I told him. He went over to the rock and started pushing. 

"It won't...move," He said as he was pushing. The edges of the rock made small cuts in his hand, the blood from his hands flown onto the rock, the rock cracked and broke. This means he's passed the test. Only a ninja's blood can crack the rock, this was also part of the test. Should they find the rock, their blood must be tested. The rock only reacts to ninja's blood. 

Zexel was surprised, he had no idea what was going on. 

"You have passed the test. This is the ruins of the ancient ninjas, this is the Shadow Clan," I said to him as I lead him inside. "I will give you a tour, it is your decision, if you would like to become a ninja or not. I am the current Clan Master, and the only ninja who currently resides here. I can teach you the ways of the ninja," I told him

"This is all too much to take in at once... How about we start with that tour?" He suggested, I could tell he could barely believe what he was hearing. 

"Alright," I said to him and gave him a tour around the clan. I showed him the different rooms of the clan before asking him the question.

"So what do you say? Do you wish to become a Ninja?" I asked.

"Definitely! Where do I begin?!" Asked Zexel, sounding excited. 

"Well first you should choose a weapon," I answered. "and while your at it, get your armour as well." I continued.

"Alright, I'll be right back!" Responded Zexel, and he went off. 

"Things might start getting interesting around here" I thought to myself. 


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