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A/N: Picture of the stunning Harry Winston "Belle" ring to the side. It's value of the ring is about 120k!!!!!! ;) 


II: Broke 

AFTER ABOUT AN HOUR OF DRIVING, Simone finally reached New York City. She had to be careful here. Everyone expected her to be in the Mercer estate right about now getting into her gown and trying not to smear her mascara from all the happy emotions.

All Simone was feeling now was unadulterated furry. But since she was so focused on driving, something she hasn't done since her adolescent years (because no one drives in the city, they get driven), Simone found that it served as a fantastic distraction.

Parking a safe distance from the bank her family has entrusted their funds with for years, Simone took her bag and stealthily made her way past the doors.

In an instant she was approached by a helpful greeter and ushered into one of the bankers' office.

"Good morning, Miss. What can I do for you today?"

"I'd like to make a withdrawal from my trust fund, please."

"Certainly. We'll just need an account number and an identification."

She nodded and handed off her license. The banker's eyes shot up and smiled. "Miss Mercer, what a pleasure to serve you. When's the wedding?"

Simone kept her smile firmly in place with herculean effort. "Not today."

The banker looked down at his computer and typed away. "Um, Miss Simone?"

She turned towards him and raised an eyebrow at his hesitance. "Yes? Is there paperwork to sign?"

"Uhh no. It appears that your account has been frozen."

"There must be some mistake!" Simone said sharply, jumping to her feet.

"I'm sorry, Miss Mercer, but there's nothing I can do."

SIMONE SAT FROZEN IN THE CAR FOR A SECOND. It was all so mind-boggling.

How was this happening? She was in New York with four months worth of luggage in a borrowed car from the garage of her grandparent's estate, on New Years Eve. She's freezing, she's angry, she's embarrassed, and worst of all, now she's broke.

Suddenly Simone had a wild idea, so wild that the desperation lead her to start up the engine and zoom out of there.

She drove out of Manhattan and into what she thinks is Brooklyn. Simone was feeling a teensy bit intimidated by the architecture and lack of familiar boutiques, but she kept going until she came across a pawn shop.

Climbing out of the car, and making sure to lock the door behind her (and checking thrice), she made her way into the shop with false confidence in her step. Simone's seen enough movies to know that she'd have to be assertive and bold to not get ripped off a place like this.

And so with a cool and calm expression of two emotions she definitely did not feel, she walked up to the counter and slammed her precious engagement ring down in front of the clerk. "How much can I get for this?"

The man, of short height and portly build, eyed the diamond like she'd just thrown a bag of cash in front of him. Which in reality, she had.

He picked it up and admired it, turning the ring and catching light, spraying beams of brilliance in every angle.

"It's beautiful. Who's the designer?"

"Harry Winston," Simone said as she looked around the sketchy establishment. Adrenaline pulsed through her veins as realization sunk in: she was pawning her engagement ring for quick cash to make her getaway.

It was all so ridiculous! But surely this was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to her--

"I'll give you fifty grand." His words interrupted her inner monologue and she literally gasped in horror.

"That ring is worth more than twice what you presume to offer!" Simone took a second to compose myself and leaned into the counter with what she hoped was a cocky, determined look on my face. "You can do better than that."

"Fine, sixty."

"That's not enough."

"Seventy then."

The tables had turned.

He really wanted the ring, and although Simone really needed the cash, she wasn't about to settle on just any price.

"There are hundreds of pawn shops in New York. I can just go somewhere else." With a shrug she extended her hand for the ring back but the man's eyes widened in despair.

"Eighty grand! That's my last offer!" With a small smile, Simone stared down the man with her hand held out again.

Try again.

AN HOUR LATER she stepped out of the pawn shop a hundred grand richer and free of the baggage the ring represented.

It had felt awful to hand over such a stunning ring. Not just because it was a symbol of her bond with Maxton, but because it was just about the most glorious thing Simone had ever laid eyes on. She had dreamed of getting a ring like that all her life, of marrying into a good family and owning a house bigger than the one she grew up in. And it was all about to become a reality today, only it didn't.

Did he not owe her more than just a phone call? After running off with not only her sister but her childhood dreams...surely she was entitled to do what she wished with the ring.

Simone hadn't exactly brushed up on the etiquette of being left at the altar without so much as a kiss goodbye, but she figured the polite, civil thing to do would have been to give Maxton the ring back, but frankly Simone was not interested in playing nice.

She needed cash and she needed a way out of the city. At least for a while. Maxton owed her that much at least, after wasting two years of her life and a couple hundred thousand on a wedding so perfect all it was missing was the bride and groom. Once the bank fixes whatever it was that went wrong with the withdrawal of her trust fund, she'll pay Maxton back in full.

When she was back and settled into the car, Simone drove and drove and drove.

Her phone kept ringing so she turned it off and stuffed it in the glove compartment. Who needed a GPS anyway? She had cash, she had clothes, and as soon as she was out of New York, she'd still have her dignity.

A/N: Dedicated to my super loyal reader Oopsmywhiskers for being The Runaway Bride's very first vote!! :)

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