Surprises can be a Bitch

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Please read author's note at the end of the chapter

"Well Reed and Cooper, care to explain to me why you are over an hour late, wasting not only my time but the time of the other players?" he said, waving his hand at the crowd behind.

My mind went blank and my mouth dry, I've never been really scared of anyone in my entire life, well except for Aunt Nora and her sloppy wet kisses, but this man looked as intimidating as hell. He was drop dead sexy, but intimidating. Taking a big gulp, I mumbled something incoherent. Sam just stood next to me, a small smirk playing on the edges of his mouth at my sudden inablity to form coherent thoughts. Man up Kayli, you’re suppose to be Brent!

Clearing my throat, I said the first thing that popped in my head “Traffic...”

“Traffic eh, well that’s no excuse. I think you’ve wasted quite enough of everyone’s time. So fellahs, what punishment do you think these two latecomers deserve?” he directed towards the sea of boys.

Is this guy for real? My cheeks burned as I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. Now don’t get me wrong, all I’m about being the center of attention once and while but this kind of scrutiny made me feel so small. I just wanted to shrink behind Sam’s large figure and die. All the guys were silent and for a moment I was filled with hope that this embarrassment was going to be the only punishment dished out today. Boy was I wrong.

A voice in the back broke the silence, “I say suicides, Coach Smalls!”

“Suicides, sounds like a plan. You two head over to the end of the field and begin, the rest of us will go over the game plan for this year’s camp.”

I wanted to punch whoever suggested suicides, but was unable to find the person in the crowd. Grudgingly, I started to walk down the field, anger building up inside of me with every step I took. Sam followed quietly beside me, seemingly unaffected by Coach Smalls  little display. When we reached the end of the field, we both stretched a bit before beginning our punishment.

Two hours later...

Here I thought Brent and Sam pushed me to my limit during their soccer bootcamp, but this Coach was just beyond sadistic. We had been at suicides for the past two hours and Coach has yet to release us. My legs were beyond numb at this point, but I felt like this was a test, and if it was I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of failing. When I thought I wouldn’t be able to take much longer, Coach Smalls arrived looking at us with a smug expression on his face.

“I think that’s enough for today” he said, throwing me and Sam water, which I happily took, downing it in seconds.

Coach laughed at my eagerness, “Welcome to hell week gentleman, now hit the showers, you both stink.”

Wait, did he just say hell week?

Chapter 11

I groaned, hell week! You mean to tell me this kind of abuse is going to last all week? I gathered up my now empty water bottle and slowly followed Coach Smalls to the building. My whole body felt like it was some deranged person’s punching bag and I wanted nothing more to ask Sam to carry me back. I’m pathetic I know, but I’ve honestly lost the will to walk. Sighing again, I put one foot in front of the other, hoping that by some miracle I would make it to the dorms. Looking ahead, I couldn’t help but marvel at Coach Small’s retreating figure. One word to describe it: heavenly. Now I’m more of an eyes and lips kind of girl, but I did appreciate me some fine backside every now and then. And Coach Small’s ass was nothing but pure perfection. Forgetting all about Sam beside me, I almost fell over when he slightly nudged my shoulders.

“What the hell was that for?” I spat, rubbing my already sore shoulder while glaring at Sam.

“Did anyone ever tell you it’s not polite to stare?” he asked, while pushing me forward.

“I have no idea what you are talking about?” I shrugged, annoyed that he caught me checking out the Coach but could you really blame me? No sane female within a fifty mile radius could deny his sex appeal.

“Just keep your googly eyes to yourself, no need to make everyone think Brent is gay.”

“And what the hell is wrong with being gay?” I said, Charlie’s adorable face flashing in my mind.

“Nothing..I didn't mean it like that! I’m sure your brother just doesn't want everyone thinking he is something he is not” Sam reasoned.

“Like a girl with boobs?” I said smiling.

“What boobs?” Sam said, his eyes zoning in on my chest.

I slapped him with as much strength as I could muster on the back of the head, which I can tell you wasn’t really much. Reaching the doors to the dorms, I stormed in not looking back at what is sure to be a smirking Sam. Damn him and his snide remarks, I don’t know why I let his comments get to me, it’s not like I really care what he thinks. As I reached bunk three, I was pulled out of my thoughts as I saw two half naked guys standing in the room.

My mouth dropped as my eyes took in their appearances, to say they were hot would be an understatement. The first guy had dirty blond hair that fell a few inches above his shoulders, with smoldering green eyes, and a body that should be illegal, overall he screamed sexy bad boy. The other guy had short spiky brown hair, dark brown eyes that looked almost black, had it not been for the adorable smile plastered on his face, he would have looked totally intimidating with his bulging muscles. What is the deal with this camp, it’s like every where I turned there was a hot guy. Now normally I would be completely fine with this scenario, but pretending to be a guy, make that a straight guy, was really a test of wills. They were looking at me, curiosity in both their eyes, but I was frozen in place. Say something, anything, I scolded myself but words were lost on my tongue.

Thankfully the one with the sweet smile stepped forward, “Hi I’m Will and that brooding fellow over there is Xavier” he said extending his hand.

I grasped his hand receiving a jolt of electricity the moment my skin touched his, shocked, I pulled my hand away quickly. That was weird, must be static electricity or something. Clearing my throat, “Hey, I’m Brent.”

“Well Brent, it’s nice to meet you. I guess we’re bunk mates for the next two months, fair warning I snore like a banshee, at least according to my little brother” Will said, throwing me a friendly smile that made me instantly feel comfortable around him.  

The door suddenly slammed, causing all three of us to jump and turn around. There stood Sam, a frown on his face. Walking to his bunk, he threw open his bag pulling out some clothes and headed out the door, all without uttering a single word.

I blew out of nervous chuckle, “And that’s Sam, he’s a real charmer.”

Will nodded in understanding, while Xavier seemed indifferent as he pulled out a book and turned over on his bunk so that he was now facing away from me. Way to make friends K, by next week you will win the Miss, or in this case, Mr. Congeniality award I thought sarcastically. An eerie silence fell over the room as I stood there awkwardly.

“So, where are you from?” I blurted out to Will, I hated awkward silences and that was the first thing I could think of.

“Xavier and I are from Anaheim, what about you?” he responded, sitting on his bunk.

“Sam and I are from a little suburb outside of San Francisco. So...what position do you play?”

“I am man of many talents, so I usually switch up between a striker or sweeper” he said, giving me a wink.

My heart skipped a beat, was this guy flirting with me? Crap, does he know I’m a girl? My palms started to sweat as I nervously wiped them on my shorts. When I met his eyes, for a second I felt trapped in the black pools staring back at me.

“What about you dude? You’re rather scrawny and small” he said, his lips turning up slightly in a small grin.

“Are you mocking me?” I said, pretending to be offended.

Even after only knowing Will for less than ten minutes, I could tell he was just being playful and didn’t mean it in a bad way.

“Of course not, just trying to figure you out Spunky?”

“Spunky?” I asked, confused.

“That’s your new name. Do you know where its from?” he quirked his eyebrow challengingly.

Racking my brain, I was about to say no, when it suddenly hit me “Rocko’s Modern Life!” (A/N It’s an old cartoon that I used to love and Spunky was the dog)

“Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner, for a second I was worried that you were some tool” he said relieved, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

“Well I’m so happy you don’t think I’m a tool, instead I’m just a cartoon dog.” I muttered, holding back the laugh that wanted to burst out from his infectious, upbeat personality.

“Hey, that’s a compliment to the highest degree” he reasoned.

“You’re weird” I said, completely meaning it in the best possible way.

“Why thank you, now that we are buds can I tell you something?” he asked, looking at me with a strange expression.

Crap, here it comes...he’s so going to out me for being a girl. I was about to cut him off and beg him not to tell anyone when he unexpectedly said, “You smell like crap.”

I opened my mouth, completely speechless. Will burst into laughter and I soon followed, both of us were hunched over laughing so hard, tears were streaming down ours faces. Xavier, who had been silent the whole time, turned around giving us a grimace. It sobered me and Will up quickly, and we both gave him an innocent look as he turned around to continue reading his book.

“Well I don't want to stink up the place any further, so I’m off to hit the showers.” I said, opening my bag, pulling out the necessities.

Will let me know dinner would be in two hours, in the meantime everyone had down time to do whatever. I nodded and headed to the locker room. Having checked that the showers were actually individual showers beforehand, I had no fear of anyone finding out I was a girl. The only drawback was that I would have to wait for everyone to shower first before I could take mine, just in case.

I padded down the hallway, the only sound in the air was coming from my sneakers squeaking against the floor. Turning the corner, I was relieved to see the locker rooms and scurried inside, wanting nothing more to wash this day away. When I entered the room, my senses were assaulted by the strong smell of dirt and sweat. It clung to the air, holding back a gag, I set my stuff on a nearby bench. Who knew guys could smell so godawful. Pulling my t-shirt to cover my nose in the hopes of blocking out the smell, I frowned when I caught a whiff of my shirt. Scratch that, make that who knew I could smell this awful? Will was right, I smelt like crap. Holding my breath I walked down to a shower stall at the end of the locker room.

The locker room was eerily silent, guess Sam didn’t come here after he stormed off earlier. Ignoring the curiousness burning in the back of my mind on where he ran off to, I slid in the shower.  Peeling off my clothes, I tossed them over the shower door. Turning on the water, I gasped as the chilling water hit my body. Within seconds my body grew accustomed to the cold water and I went about washing the dirt and sweat off my body. I wanted nothing more than to stand in the shower and let the water pound against my body, easing my sore muscles, but I had to get out in case anyone else decided to come take a shower.

Grabbing the towel off the shower door, I wrapped it firmly around my body and got out. The cool breeze gave me the chills as I reached down to grab my clean clothes off the bench. My hand was met by nothing but wood, frowning I looked down to where I had set my clean clothes only to find nothing. You’ve got to be kidding me, someone must have come in while I was in the shower and stole my clothes. Unfreaking believable, if this was some sort of hazing or initiation I was so not amused. Now what the hell was I suppose to do? I couldn't walk back to my room practically naked, what if someone saw me. Brent’s clothes hid my limited girlish figure and without them I felt like anyone would look at me and know immediately that I was a girl.

I slammed my fist into a nearby locker, instantly regretting it as my hand met the cold metal. Shit that hurt! I was pissed off and my gut reaction was to hit something, not the brightest idea I admit, as I watched my hand turn red. I did not come all this way to be exposed on the very first day. Clenching my teeth, I held my aching hand against my chest trying to think of a way out of this mess. A faint chuckle broke me out of my thoughts, someone was in here.

Gaining some courage, I asked “Who’s there?”

My question was met by silence. Whoever it was, probably was the one that hid my clothes. With a new-found determination, I started walking through the aisles, hoping to catch the little snot before I pound in their face in.

“I know you’re in here, just give me back my clothes and you can keep your little manhood intact. If not, I plan of permanently removing it for you” I growled, as I heard another chuckle.

As I reached the end of the room, I thought I had whoever it was right where I wanted them. “Gotcha” I shouted as I rounded the corner, but no one was there.

Frustrated I whipped around to be met by a pair of familiar blue eyes, “Boo” Sam shouted, scaring the crap out of me.

Caught off guard, I stumbled back and a nearby bench hit the back of my knees, making me tumble to the ground. Not only had I fallen hard on my ass, but in my clumsiness my towel had flown off my body. So there I sat, naked, and in shock. A gasp must have flew out of Sam’s mouth, bringing me back to the reality of the situation. Sam’s eyes were wide, like two big blue orbs, his mouth open, as his eyes continued to roam over my body. There was a spark in his eyes that I couldn't quite decipher, wait what the hell am I doing, cover yourself up!

“You jerk, quit staring at me like a pervert and hand me my towel” I shrilled, trying to cover my body, but with only two hands it was proving rather futile.


“Towel, NOW!” I screamed.

“Um, right. Sorry here” he mumbled, holding the towel out to me as he turned his head to look in the other direction.

“Thanks, I’m decent” I said, fastening the towel around me as tight as possible.

As soon as he turned his head back around, I slapped him across the face. My hand started throbbing immediately after it made contact with his face. But the pain was worth seeing the expression on his stupid, smug face. The vein of his neck looked like it was about to explode, as he rubbed his tender cheek with his hand.

“Why the hell did you just bitch slap me?” his tone dark, anger flashing in his eyes.

“That my friend, was for scaring the crap out of me and for practically eye raping me” I shrugged, grabbing my clothes and started heading towards a stall to get dressed.

“Get over yourself, trust me you aren’t the first or the last girl I’m going to see naked. Besides, I wasn't staring, I was in shock. You’re like an annoying kid sister to me, trust me when I say I never wanted to see you in your birthday suit” he shouted over the door.

I flung open the dooring, glaring at him, his words repeating over and over in my head “annoying kid..sister..never see you.” What he said wasn’t insulting per se, but the words hurt nevertheless. Feeling a faint prickle behind my eyes, I walked off without saying another word to him. What the hell is wrong with me, I’m never this emotional. Shaking the depressing feelings away, I lifted my head up and walked confidently back to my room. Sam had this way of affecting me and I needed to try to avoid him as much as possible. Although, given that we were going to be staying in the same room, it would prove to be a challenge.

As I reached the bunk, Xavier didn’t bother looking up from his book, while Will gave me a small smile as he continued to listen to his Ipod. I threw my dirty clothes beside my bed and plopped down. The bed was lumpy and smelled stale but I couldn't have cared less. I was beyond tired and my body a humming with pain. Simply put, I was exhausted, not just physically but emotionally. The past few weeks have been killer and it was taking a toll on me. My brilliant plan to come here to help Brent, seemed more and more like a bad idea. But I made a choice and was sticking to it, no matter how much my body and head was begging me to give up and come home. I closed my eyes, all thoughts slipping away as I drifted off to sleep.

A/N I'm not going to go into detail about my absence but I wanted to apologize for taking forever to upload. I feel so guilty but it honestly couldn't be helped, being an adult sucks..that all I have to say about that. So the fun part, well fun for me. I decided to make this story a bit more interactive because I aim to please and I'm writing for all you amazing readers and here's the deal. I have a couple of chapters planned out in my mind and wanted to know which one you would like to see next..I wont go into too much details about the idea i'm simply writing a word..dont want to give too much away. So your options are listed below, in the comments sections let me know what you want to see and I'll make sure to include it in the next chapter. I already started the next chapter so it wont be a long wait. Love you all tons and dont forget to vote! Will is the actor steven strait on the side..yum! And song is a classic Fall Out Boy song..I miss them : (

A) Streaking

B) A Kiss

C) A bet

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