Bad Boy, Bad Girl

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 Author’s Note: I’m honestly so sorry that I haven’t been updating this…. And my Niam Story, but honestly I’ve been so busy and then when I finally wasn’t my stupid computer broke down…. Here’s another chapter, hope you guys enjoy. This is dedicated to ZAYNSKINKY for the awesome request. <3


-Bad Boy, Bad Girl-


Dyl’s POV

I was bored. Extremely bored. Like, I’ve never been this bored before. Louis and Harry were off “cuddling and watching a movie”. Yeah, like I totally believe that was what was happening in the room next to mine. My brother and Liam went to this fair thingie that they thought would be some nice bonding time. Therefore, I was alone. Well, I had Zayn. But Zayn’s Zayn…. He’s apparently bonding with his mirrors right now. Seriouly, Zirror should just marry each other. Like seriously. Why don’t you go somewhere, you ask? Well, I was given strict orders by my brother dear to not leave the bus… I was grounded because of an “incident” last week…. I sighed deeply before plopping myself down on my bed and let boredom overtake me….


Zayn’s POV

I, Zayn Malik, am officially bored. I’ve tried doodling, tweeting, practicing my singing, but honestly, nothing seems to interest me. I just wish someone could just save me from my boredom. I sat on my beanbag for another while before finally standing up. I almost forgot about Dylan. Maybe she and I could go out for a little bonding. I always seem to be the strict one to her, well besides Niall, but still, maybe I should let her see that there is a fun side to me. With that thought in mind, I quickly began walking towards her room.

 “Hey.” I quietly said.


 “You wanna go out to the mall with me Dyl?”

 “In case you haven’t noticed Zee, I’m grounded.”

 “Come on, we are both bored and Niall and Liam are at the fair and Harry and Louis are probably occupied with each other, let’s go have some fun. You have been cooped up in the house enough already, I bet Niall wouldn’t mind you getting some air with me.”

 “Sneaky, aren’t you?” Dyl looked up at me with a huge smirk on her face.

 “Yes, now hurry up before I changed my mind and decide that it’s too lame to spend an entire afternoon with a fifteen year old.”

 "Yeah, like spending an afternoon with mirrors is totally cool."

"Shut up."

"Not until you shut up first."




"Okay, Zayn, let's move already."


"Stop it with the fine's, now MOVE." Dyl muttered, pushing me forward.

"Okay, okay, let's move." I said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2013 ⏰

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