To: Those Who Have Faith. 8/25/11

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Dear Nothing,

So, guess what, guys(and Nothing)? I'm back!

You guys didn't tell me if you guys liked this or not *Cough* Thanks a lot *Cough*(Dawww, I'm just kidding. I still love you guys!) So I decided to continue.

For now.

So, I'm  here to tell you something super important.


So, let's say you upload a picture. And your crush comments on it.(On facebook or something)

Sure, it's fine if your answers get pretty lengthy. BUT.

Don't do it for a long time, kay? It'll really bite you back in the butt.

He might say, "Okay, I'm tired of writing these essays to you."

Psh, naw, that's not what happened to me....................


Of course^ To elaborate on that, he started a new SHORTER conversation with me, but still. It hurt, you know? I don't want that happening to you. So say things in the shortest way possible.

Like the description of your book on Wattpad!

Interesting and eye catching, but brief.

So; we went to this little shindig in Maryland. We watched Harry Potter 7(EPIC BUT SCARY) and then went to do something so asiany it isn't even funny.... Karaoke.

We spent 110 dollars on an hour of karaoke. Shhh, I know, pathetic.

It was great, you know? we talked and teased and everything. BUt then came karaoke.

Cathy(Remember her?) was sitting alone next to the couch, just watching us sing. I don't know why; maybe it was because I accidentally. UNINTENTIONALLY stole her seat while she was at the bathroom.

Well, she was sitting there, and Matthew got up from his seat, and went to sit by her. Yeah. he did that. That's why I told you guys, I don't want to be jealous of the sweet girl but..


Don't let the jealous green monster come out and bite you in the ass. Kill it with the arrows of love; steal them from cupid.

As much as it hurts, if it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't meant to be.

^Believe that if you want, but if your a perseverer, then you'd listen to me when I say this:

Don't be jealous, but don't give up either.


 Then, Fae over there made it worse(you know who she is, right? I think she likes Matthew too. And she's so frustrating sometimes..) she was sitting next to me. And you know what she tells me?

"I think Matthew likes Cathy. Don't you think they make a good couple?"


Do not kill her. If you have someone like my Fae, here, do not kill her.

It's not her fault she doesn't know what's going on in her head. And since she doesn't know what's going on in your head, you can beat her up in there.

See? It's a win win situation. Kind of.


So then, when we were done, I had to give Matthew, Ben, Fae, and Fae's brother; Jason.

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