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Maz’s P O V

“Ah yes, her name is . . . not to be mentioned. I’m sorry young man but she was strict about people knowing she was here. But don’t worry, I’ll let her know you stopped by” he smiled and walked away.

Was she really that upset about the whole thing or was she embarrassed for anyone to see her in a bad state?

Marceline’s P O V

I woke up in the same, white, boring room today. I was feeling a little bit better but my body ached a bit. After the whole thing with Jack, I am just NOT ready to date someone.

Why must this suck? In all honesty, my views towards Maz haven’t changed much. I mean the doctor told me that he brought me here and the fact that he even slept in the waiting room had me thinking. Does he really care about me? Or is this him bluffing?

*knock knock*

“Good morning Marceline. How are you feeling today?” the Doctor asked.

Good morning Dr. James, I’m feeling fine thanks. And yourself?

“That’s good and I’m fine as well thank you. I’m here to update you on a few things. You seem to be doing better but your wounds aren’t. Your stab wounds aren’t really healing too well. A few ribs are completely shattered but that can be fixed. It is your major cuts that worry us. Have you seen yourself Marceline?” he asked.

I-uhh, well no actually, I haven’t.

“Well I hate to break it to you but you’re really pale. You’re losing a lot of blood and we need to find you a donor a.s.a.p. The day you were brought in, we literally used all tubes of blood we had for your type on you. We need donors and we need them fast” he said seriously.

“I’m gonna have to go out on a limb here but I’ll ask the young man that keeps coming back to visit you; no matter how many times I tell him that you don’t want any visitors” he headed to the door.

Wait- that young man . . . he always tries to pass through to see me?

“That’s correct miss. He says he feels as if it’s all his fault. He said he should be the one in this room, not you. He looks like he really cares for you. I don’t mean to interfere or anything but you should at least let him see you. He looks like he’s dying each and every day I see him. It’s beginning to kill me every time I say ‘no’ to him. And I haven’t felt like this ever.”

R-really? He said that? He comes here every day to see me? I say in disbelief.

Wow . . . but doctor, he’ll go crazy if you ask him his blood type. He’ll kick people out of the way to here by then. He’s going to immediately suspect that it’s for me.

“Don’t worry; we need donors anyway so I’ll ask him if he’s interested. Well Marceline, wish us luck. Press that button if you need anything” he pointed to a green button under the bed.

Oh okay. Thank you Doctor, and will do.

Once he left the room, I began to think more about what the Doctor has told me. Maz really cares for me and he doesn’t even know it’s me. But still, he has a heart. I feel really warm inside. This is weird.

*sigh* I have to apologize for making him worry like this. I may dislike him now but being worried about a person, isn’t any fun. I’m such a jerk!

Maz’s P O V

I went to the hospital café and munched on a few goodies.

“Excuse me young man, I’m sorry to bother you but may I ask you a question?” asked the Doctor.

[CURRENTLY BEING EDITED AUG.2017] The Arts (Mazzi Maz Fanfic) [R/EXPLICIT]Where stories live. Discover now