chapter four

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~ Leana's P.O.V ~

"You're beautiful Leana." Derik whispered.

You might be wondering if ether of us are drunk or have been drinking. Well neither of us have been drinking, zip, nada.

"You want to go upstairs, away from everyone and talk?" I asked, smiling slightly.

He looks nerves and gulped.

Did he think I meant something else? 

I shook that thought out of my head. "Just talk." I reassured him. He seemed to relax a little and nodded.

"That sounds perfect." He smiled, and so did I.

I grabbed his hand and lead him up the giant staircase. We pushed past drunk couples, giggling girls and the boys who were attached to them.

I lead Derik into on of the un-occupied rooms. 

We just sat down on the bed and started talking.

~ Rose's P.O.V. ~

While dancing with Amélie, I saw Mike talking to Lexi.

Sending Lexi a secret death glare, I turned to Amélie to see her that she was kissing the guy she had started dancing with.

I guess I'm s on my own for this one. I thought, ready to kick Lexi's ass.

I walked over to them and stood innocently beside Lexi.

"Hey Lex, how are you?"

She looked a little confused, but after a moment she smiled. "Hey Rose. I'm just swell, what are you doing here?" She asked, not even looking away from Mike as she took a drink of her red solo cup.

I ignored her and looked at Mike. "Oh Mike, I didn't see you there." I innocently smiled at him.

He frowned and looked away. "Yeah, whatever Rose." He whispered sadly.

I think my heart just ripped in half a little.

He hates me, I told Amélie he would hate me! 

I turned to Lexi to see her smiling proudly at Mike. It took everything in me not to knock her teeth out right then and there.

"Yeah, so Mike, tell me about baseball. What position do you play?" she cocked her head to the side and batted her eyelashes flirtatiously.

I wanted to barf all over her and her skin tight neon pink mini dress.

She was pretending of course. Mike didn't even play baseball, he plays football, he's the quarterback.

He frowned his eyebrows. "I'm actually the quarterback of the football team." he smirked.

I almost burst out laughing.

"Oh." she said stupidly.

I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore, I started giggling uncontrollably into my hand. Mike noticed and started chuckling along with me.

Lexi glared at the two of us and flipped her hair, like nothing had happened and walked away, but not before muttering "Whaterever."

I looked at Mike, still giggling and smiled. "She is so s-stupid."

He laughed harder. "I know, I mean, everyone should know that."

"Apparently not her." I giggled.

Never Have I Ever (Was I Don't Know Anymore) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now