Highly Dangerous [A pokemon fan fiction]

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On the run again. Running is all I have been doing lately. I can't stop; if I do, they'll get me. Just keep moving. They can't take me back, they can't. If I do, they surely will kill me.

"Crazy. Dangerous. Psycho. Freak. Born killer. Just like her father." These are the words I hear running past groups of people.

I'm not crazy, psycho, dangerous, and especially not like my father. They think that just because I came from him; that I am his blood, I am just like him. But I'm not. These people have held me in my prison for years. I have been living in my own piece of hell for 5 years. I was 9 when I was taken, I was just a kid.

They promised me safety, shelter, a happy life. They told me every one was dead. They lied. Every thing they told me was a lie. I was held hostage, and was not allowed out of my cell. I was only allowed out for my two "meals" a day, my weekly "treatments" and for "happy hour". They don't get it, I'm not crazy. I can't be.

"Get her! She can't escape again!" I looked back, they were right at my heels. I could feel their growlith's breath warming my ankles. I needed to go faster.

I clutched my fainted ghastly as close as I could. I needed to keep him safe. I was almost there, the forest would cover me. I was reaching the edge of Lavender town, a few more steps and i'd be safe. Safe for now.

After endless minutes of running, the growliths snarling got quieter and quieter as I reached the forest, a few dared to chase me through the dense woods, and eventually they all gave up.

I was safe for now, for once in my life I was safe.

[So this is the prologue to my new story, hope you all like it:$]


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