Ordinary People

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Silence. That's how it is now. Malachi and I aren't speaking to each other. I don't know what's his problem I mean, I don't think I was overreacting about how many sexual partners he had. At least I could count mines on one hand, he needed both hands plus a foot!

"Are you coming to bed?" I said looking at Malachi. He was on the couch watching tv, it was 1:30 in the morning.

He didn't even turn around to look  at me," I'm not sleepy."

I scoffed and switched off the lamp next to my side of the bed," Fine then."

I scooted under the covers and attempted to fall asleep, problem was.. I couldn't. I had gotten so used to falling asleep in Malachi's arms that it was impossible for me to sleep without him. I flipped over the pillow and pulled the covers over my head trying to block out the TV. Nothing. Frustrated, I jumped out of the bed and pulled on a baggy shirt with some pajama pants, I slipped on some house shoes and grabbed the house keys.

"Where you going?" Malachi looked up, when he saw me by the door.

"Out." I replied closing the door after me, not bothering to hear his response.

I was down the hall when I heard the apartment door open and close. I didn't even bother to turn and see if it was Malachi. I walked downstairs and out of our apartment building. I started down the sidewalk to... I didn't know where. I just wanted to be out of the house and away from Malachi right now.

"Where are you going?!" I heard Malachi's voice behind me.

I quickened my pace as the tears started rolling down my cheeks profusely. I heard Malachi's pace quickened also and seconds later I felt his hands on my shoulder turning me to face him.


It broke my heart to see her crying, it hurt even more to know that I was the one causing her pain. I didn't mean to treat her like this, I was just angry that she was taking the whole situation overboard.

"What Malachi?!" She studied my face. I watched as another tear ran down her face. On instant instinct, I wiped it off.

"Why are you crying?" I said.

"Why do you care?" She shot back? Ouch.

"What the hell- What do you mean 'why do I care'? Piper?! The person I love is crying."

"Your mad at me." She squeaked.

"I'm not- yea I'm not gonna lie." I smiled. She smiled too putting her head down.

"Sorry. Sorry for overreacting." She said.

"I'm sorry for giving you the silent treatment." I laughed.

"But seriously Malachi. Don't cheat on me, I can't handle it." She stared at me.

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