Everything turns to shit

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NOTE: Because I havn't uploaded in sooooo long, I've decided to just go ahead and upload the chapter before it's been edited. So I apologise for any errors. I will prolly change it alot in the editing process, so if you are a grammar nazi or just want to wait for the finished product, then I suggest waiting a few days for the edited version. Either way, enjoy.



Everything turns to shit

Dedicated to ImmortalBurrito for the awesome cover

I yanked my arm away and held it to my chest. Shit. I was so screwed. I didn’t have long before Jacob blew my brains out.

I pulled my arm down, gripping my wrist tightly as I examined the skin. I stared at it for a few seconds, and then pretended to let out a sigh of relief.

“Not my blood,” I lied. He so wasn’t going to buy this.

He looked at me skeptically, “But the pus-“

“Not my pus,” I insisted, letting out a nervous laugh.

He didn’t look convinced, but he relaxed the hand on his gun. Good, now change the subject.

“We better keep moving,” I said, turning away from him and resuming my hike up the hill. “Those zoms aren’t gonna-“

I felt hands strongly grip my forearm and twist it around. I counter attacked, bringing my leg up as I spun and catching him around the ear. But his grip didn’t relax. He simply grunted and twisted the other way, pushing my arm down. I stopped struggling immediately. If he twisted just a tiny bit further he would dislocate my shoulder. And now was not a good time to be injured.

Once he had me thoroughly pinned, he reached up a tore the remainder of my jumper sleeve off. I gritted my teeth in pain as he rubbed the material across my wound with little care. He tossed the material to the ground and stared intently at my arm.

It wasn’t long now before he’d start shooting. I would have to kill him before he killed me. He wouldn’t believe the truth, and having kept the secret for so long I didn’t even know if I wanted to tell him. Keeping it quiet had become natural. It would’ve felt strange to say it out loud.

If I could just get my arm free, I could go for my knife or sword even and he’d be gone in a second. But I couldn’t reach for either without him seeing. The moment of pain from my shoulder would be enough for me to hesitate, and that would be all it took for Jacob to kill me. Unless I sacrificed my shoulder and just went for it. I could pop it back into place, but not without pain. And even then, it wouldn’t be easy to survive with only one good arm. But what choice did I have?

I took a deep breath. Just reach up, grab sword, swing. One fluid movement. Don’t hesitate. Breathe. One, two-

“Okay,” Jacob said, releasing my arm suddenly.

“What?” I span around, confused. Was he insane?

He chuckled at my expression. “Didn’t break the skin. I thought you knew that.” He said skeptically.

I grasped my arm and inspected the skin. He was right. It had just barely scuffed the top layer of skin. Not enough to cause infection.

I breathed a sigh of relief. How had I not noticed that? It certainly felt like it had torn into my arm. Two months of safety must have made me weak. I used to be able to withstand far worse injuries.

How careless of me. Keeping my endurance up was just as important as my fitness. I couldn’t let pain distract me from my survival.

I felt a hand give me a soft push from behind. “Come on, we better get a move on.” Jacob said, nodding at a zom who was stumbling along behind us. My feet feel back into stride as I resumed my previous pace.

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