Treasure in the Treasury

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Chapter 14: Treasure in the Treasury

“Have you enjoyed your first day in Azura?” The King asked, gesturing for me to sit at the Queen’s empty throne. Thoughts of the Fortune Teller’s words once again came to me together with the threats from the creepy psycho gypsy.

I shook away the thoughts of Reece getting hurt and let out an appropriate answer. “Yes, your majesty.” I hesitatingly sat on the Queen’s throne.

“I was serious when I asked you to call me dad.” He said, eyeing me.

“Tell me Lucy. What do you see?” He asked looking as the empty space from the high pedestal to the shiny marble floor and blue carpeted walkway.

Floor. Stairs. Carpet. I remembered the conversation we had over dinner. None of the King’s children has been to the treasury ever since. Maybe this is a pass or fail question because he’s waiting for the right answer. Maybe he’s waiting for a worthy audience- a person who could see what he sees. This has to be something abstract- something with emotional sense and simply not the obvious.

“Power, authority, control…One of those right? I mean, relatives of those?” I answered, not taking my eyes off the stairs and the floor. I can see the King looking at me in awe. I knew it.

“Elucidate,” He asked, unfolding his arms and uncrossing his legs. I couldn’t help but grimace with his choice of words.

“The throne symbolizes the crown heads. The floor symbolizes the kingdom and its people. And the stairs symbolizes the responsibility you have for their protection. To sit on high pedestal, overlooking the entire kingdom requires such. To be in this position is a duty only you and the Queen could carry out- only a Dragomir could carry out.”

“What did you see in my son Reece that you had completely fallen in love with him? He’s is such an immature little boy. Do you know what his answer is, when I asked him that question?” The king looked at me and I gave him what-is-it look.

“He answered: Floor. He’s simply naïve.” He hopelessly shook his head. “Caleb’s answer was worse; Dirt. Their eyes were just unworthy.”

“I think ‘Floor’ is pretty much the initial impulsive answer.” I laughed, partly defending Reece, mostly defending myself for thinking it.

“Thank you Lucy for taking care of my youngest Prince, and for loving him the way you do.” He said.

I’m gonna be dead meat when they find out I just used Reece to tape verbal witness proofs for Bryce and the murders.

“What do you think is my treasure, Lucy?” He asked. I absolutely had no idea, but I’m giving this a shot.

“I think it’s something more than material treasures, your majes… dad.” He gave me a satisfied smile and a carry-on wave. “I think it’s something more important than the throne that you placed its lock safely hidden under your chair.” What I just said surprised him more than I expected so I pushed it even more.

“Under your majesty’s throne is an entrance to the famous never seen treasury. The lever was designed to look like one of the throne’s legs and half of an elaborate keyhole, disguised to be filigree, embossed all over the seat is visible beneath your cushion. You will risk your own life just to protect this treasure; a treasure that only a Dragomir’s eyes are worthy to look at, because even your own wise wife Queen Farra and adopted daughter Gold hasn’t seen it.” I proclaimed. He cringed.

“The first time I saw you, I knew you had a heart so pure fit for the Queen’s throne, and you have proved it within less than a day when I saw you worrying about my son Reece. Now I see eyes, fit for the next King of Azura.” He complimented as he stood up facing me.

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