The genius Fighter

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"Are you guys ready?" I asked them getting on my bike and holding my helmet.

 "Yeah" they said I looked at the row of cars behind me. I was going to lead them to the house of the moon light pack. 

"good then" I put my helmet on "Let's go" I started my bike and we were on the road in seconds. All the cars were following me but I didn't really pay attention to them. All I really was thinking about was how I was going to look going back to the pack house in a motorcycle. I shook the thought away and kept driving.

We drove all night till we reached my town. Nothing had changed the stores were still the same and I could see people looking at us from everywhere.

  stop freaking out! Stop freaking out! Stop freaking out  I told myself but then noticed that I was thinking my thoughts to the rest of the pack.

 Lux I told you everything will be fine  Jason said

 Yeah you're right I was just nervous  I lied and. God why was everything getting so hot. I couldn't help but remembering memories from each place and non of them were good. I started getting mad and sweating like crazy. It was too hot that I closed my eyes for just a second but it was long enough for the bike to swerve a bit.

 Woah there Lux what's wrong? I heard Jason, who was in the car directly behind me, say

 N-Nothing, It's just a little too hot  I reassured him

 Are you sure?  he asked

 Why what's wrong? I heard the concerned voice of some of the guys.

 I'm fine I swear now drop it  I said before blocking them out. I knew we were getting closer to the house. I couldn't face them, not now.

Just take a left guys and  go straight ahead, only house there it's huge. I told the guys Don't tell anyone i'm in your pack yet I'm just not ready and when you want something just call me and I'll come in my wolf form

You can't keep running Lux  Taylor thought to me

 I know Tay just not today. tomorrow at school, I'll let them know. I just can't right now. I'm gonna take a few turns you know look around.

 Okay just don't go far we might have to call you. jason said

 Okay. Bye guys I said and turned my bike. I just needed to run in my wolf form for a while.

Damon's P.O.V.

"The Fire pack should be here any minute now" Jared, my beta, said.

 "What've you got me on them?" I asked him pinching the bridge of my nose. I'm always stressful these days, have been ever since Lux left. We all had realized our mistake and missed her in the pack. 

No one knew she was my mate yet, only I did. And it tore me apart that I hadn't seen her in two years. I missed her, I missed her laugh, her smile, her voice. My wolf has been pissed off at me ever since I dissed her in the school parking lot.

The look on her face when I told her I wasn't her mate still replays in my head. I was an asshole.

 "The alpha really has a good hold on his pack, the beta is his best friend and the strongest man in the pack after the alpha" he said and I nodded "And apparently their Gamma is in charge of training the inexperienced wolves to fight. And from what I've heard he's done hell of a good job so it'll be good for us if he gets our wolves half as good as he got his."

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