Last Friday Night...

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HEy hey! NExt CHAPTER! woooooooo!

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Comment, please. Tell me what you think of Troy... Why is he so relieved?

What do you think????? hehehehhehhehehhehehe

That's Otis's house. :)


The entire drive I chatted happily about what had happened in the club, excluding of course my kissing Otis because even drunk I wasn't THAT stupid. Hey! It’s true! I liked Troy a lot I didn't want to mess it up because I get really horny when I'm drunk.

I started to sing the song, Last Friday Night (tgif) by Katy Perry. It seemed to fit my night and it was really catchy.

"So your friends a vamp and that don’t bother you?" Troy asked, for some reason looking relieved. I tilted my head like my aunts dog always did when you asked it a question. He smiled at my silliness but still waited for me to answer.

I shrugged, "Why would it bother me? I think its super cool, I love supernaturals!" My voice got louder at the end because I was so excited about the thought that I had a friend who was a supernatural! But if anyone ever told Ben that I would deny it fiercely and kill whoever told him. Just sayin.

Troy’s face got a look of… well… relief. That was strange, why would he look relieved?  I pushed away those thoughts because he started slowing down the car so I figured we were close to his house.

“We are here!” He said, pulling into a driveway of a small cottage type house and turning off his car. Troy looked at me with lust in his eyes and I grinned widely, I liked very much where his mind was going.

He came around and opened my door and held his hand out to me and I took it gladly. Troy lead me to the door of his house and opened it with his key. I looked at the pretty flower garden and giggled to myself, ‘Was he into gardening? How weird’

He must have seen me looking at the flowers and grinned at my facial expression, “My roommate Poppy loves flowers and spends all her spare time growing them.”

Oh, that makes a lot more sense now. Hehehe. I raised an eyebrow, “She’s not here?”

He shook his head, “Nah, she has some overnight meeting thing.” Troy’s face told me that he wasn’t exactly telling me the truth but I didn’t really care as long as we weren’t going to disturb some poor girl.

We walked inside and he flicked on the light in the living room. He led me over to the couch and then popped a movie into the dad player. Well this isn’t what I wanted to do! I wanted him to slam me like a door!

“But...” I started to complain but he put his finger over my lips and stopped me from finishing my sentence. My eyes started to fill with tears, He doesn’t like me! I’m so stupid for calling him!

But before I could continue with my internal battle he leaned forward and pressed his lips roughly against mine. My body responded instantly and I pressed myself against him and retuned the kiss eagerly.

My hands found their way into his thick, wavy hair. I groaned when he bit my bottom lip and I opened my mouth to allow his tongue entrance.  When I started to remove his belt Troy sighed and pulled away from me, his face full of regret.

Instantly I pulled way and scooted down the couch, feeling my cheeks flush red with embarrassment. I felt rejection fill my body and a couple tears ran down my cheeks before I could stop them. I couldn’t look at him even though he kept saying my name.

I focused on my hands which were picking at my dress hem nervously.  I just wanted to go home and get away from someone who didn’t want me. I hated this feeling washing over me, and wanted to get as far away from this stupid, glorious, boy as fast as possible.

Finally he moved over next to me and forcefully moved my face so I was looking at him. I kept my eyes downcast, unable to meet his intense stare. ‘What does he want???’  I screamed inside my mind, I was so confused. He kissed me but doesn’t want me?

“Darcy, I want you but not like this. I want you sober and I don’t want you to just be a one night stand.” Troy explained, and I finally could look him in the eyes.

Wow, no one had ever said that to me before. Even Otis, who was one of my best friends, had used to for sex a couple times when he was bored. I’d gotten so used to guys only wanting me for my body that sex really didn’t have special meaning to me. It was just something to do that was fun.

“Oh... “I stared into his beautiful eyes and felt my stomach flutter like crazy; this guy was so much more than I’d even guessed at.  I could get used to this; I liked being treated like I was something special.

I cuddled up next to him and we proceeded to watch the movie. A huge smile on my face the whole time.

Troy dropped me off at Otis’s house the next morning after making me breakfast. Billie had texted me that Ben was hiding out at Otis’s house from the Supernatural police. I felt bad that we couldn’t tell his parents where he was but I knew that the super’s police had ways of making you talk. I didn’t doubt though that Ben’s parents were smart enough not to mention Billie or me.

The house was huge and gated with security guards so I guess it was good that they chose here to hide. I wondered if Billie and Ben had admitted that they liked each other already. It’s better to get it over with, waiting only wasted time.

Time was short these days. It was better not to waste it. I waved at the guard who knew me pretty well because I’d visited so many times and let myself in the front door using the password I’d memorized years ago.

What I saw when I walked inside shocked me to my core. Billie was standing over Ben who was sitting on the couch and she was smiling down at him while he was staring at her with adoration and he was… was…. Sucking on her wrist!

“Well this is…weird.” I stated, rolling my eyes at them and closing the door behind me.

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