Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Lillith knew this day would come. She was told when she turned fourteen what exactly this arrangement would entail, but that didn’t stop the ball of nerves twisting inside her stomach.

She had never heard of anything like it either, she certainly didn’t volunteer her body for such a thing, except her parents did and now she had to honor it, or her family could face serious legal and financial repercussions.

Several years ago the Fitzpatrick family had quietly looked into their employees’ background, especially those with little girls around the proper age. At the time, a nine year old Lillith hadn’t known all the tests and doctor appointments were for this reason; to carry the next heir of the Fitzpatrick Empire.

With no choice, her parents agreed to their terms. They had picked her out of the dozen girls they found, and would resort to any measures necessary to have her. At first her parents were disgusted and denied the powerful family, and then the threats and bribes came.

Now here she sat at eighteen and rather than studying for her history test, she was getting ready to hand her body over to a complete stranger.

The head of the family was a stubborn old mule who wanted everything planned down to the last detail, to reduce any chance of an error of course. Because of this, he didn’t want any labs involved, he wanted his great grandchild conceived the natural way.

Long story short, Lillith had to sleep with a complete stranger and then hand her child over to a family she didn’t like very much. They were bullies of the worst kind who used their power to scare others into bending to their will.

Actually Evan Fitzpatrick wasn’t a complete stranger. They went to the same school and even shared a few classes and while she knew him by reputation, they had never spoken a word to each other. She knew about their arrangement but he didn’t. If he did, he must be a hell of an actor because he never let on.

“Miss Ellison?”

She looked up at the voice calling her name and wondered, could this be Evan’s mother? They had the same shade of eye color; haunting blue. “Yes?”

“I’m Maryann, Evan’s mother.”

Lillith smiled weakly at the fact she guessed correctly. It was something small to make her feel better. “Hi, I’m Lillith.”

“I know exactly who you are, sweetie. Did you come alone?”

She nodded. “This isn’t the kind of thing you want to bring your parents to.”

“I understand. I always hated this idea of Gil’s but you can’t fight an army by yourself, and in the end it became easier to succumb to it.” Maryann explained softly, revealing she didn’t have a choice in offering her child up either.

“My parents said something a lot like that when they told me. What happens now?”

“Gil would like you to give birth during the summer break before you begin college, that way you wouldn’t have to miss any school. For that to happen, you have to get pregnant in the next two months. You and Evan will meet every night that you are ovulating until it takes. Tonight you’re just going to meet and break the ice a little bit. Tomorrow night you’ll….”

“I understand.” Strangely enough, she was trying to make this easier for the other woman.

Maryann reached over and gripped her hand tightly. “If my son hurts you in anyway I want you to tell me. This has to be done but it doesn’t have to be done cruelly.”

“You’re scaring me Mrs. Fitzpatrick, should I be worried about Evan?” she didn’t know much about the guy, the future father of her child, except what she heard around school. He was a playboy that all girls would die to be with; anyone would say he was smart and cocky about just nearly everything.

“Just promise me, please.” Maryann’s grip tightened around her hand, her eyes took on a pleading look.

“I promise.” Lillith whispered as her fear of the whole situation went up ten notches.

It was seconds later when Gil Fitzpatrick opened his office door and asked Lillith in. “Maryann, I’m sure there’s something you should be doing.” The older man said with a tense gruff tone.

“Yes, talking to the future mother of my grandchild is just that.” She turned her angry eyes back to Lillith. “I hope we can talk again with more time.” She took the young girl’s hand and squeezed it. “Let me know if you need anything at all.” She smiled and walked away.

Lillith watched her retreating form and wished to run after her, she knew her only ally was walking away and leaving her with the big bad wolf. Literally.

“Ms. Ellison?” Mr. Fitzpatrick motioned for her to enter the office.

Her knees shook as she stood and faced the man who terrorized her family all because she had a specific strain inside her DNA make up. The lycanthropy strain. “Hello sir.” She forced herself to say. Her parents had asked she be polite and she could never go against their wishes.

“Come in.” he offered a smile that had her fear levels sky even higher. She knew as a pack alpha he was strong and intimidating but there was something else, something sinister, in his profile.

The Fitzpatrick’s were a family of werewolves and with their power and status, they were considered alpha in the community; reigning over the others below them. Lillith’s family wasn’t werewolves but along time ago her ancestors had been, until they mated with humans and the ability to shift died off. But even until this day all members of their family carried the strain, making her the perfect surrogate for a wolf child. 

She stepped inside the office following Mr. Fitzpatrick steps and spotted Evan seated on the leather couch, across the left of a desk. He looked casual as if this wasn’t some big surprise to him. Had his grandfather and parents explained it earlier and he was putting on a brave face? She wasn’t sure what to think.

“Ms. Ellison, do you know my grandson Evan?” The older man went around the desk and sat. He looked like a king on his throne.

“Not formally.” She kept her eyes trained down on her pale black shoes. She was wearing her school uniform still and it was mandatory she wear the shoes anytime on campus.

A very tense minute passed, she felt her heart about to explode.

The minute of silence ended when Gil Fitzpatrick stood and announced. “Well then, I’m going to let you get to know each and break the ice without me looming.” He was trying to be nice and joke except again it did nothing to help ease her nerves.

“So,” Evan stood from his seat.

Lillith glanced up as he came toward her. “Did you know?” her mouth blurted, unable to stand the curiosity burning across her skin.

Evan smiled. “Does it matter? If you really want to know then yes, I knew about this arrangement. I’ve always known.” His voice was serious, far too serious with that smile.

Lillith stared at him unsure what to feel about the situation. “You never let on.” She whispered.

“Wasn’t a reason to.” He shrugged.

“Now what?” she felt like a little girl lost in a sea of danger. She didn’t know what to expect and that made it even worse. Terrifying.

“We chat a little bit and then you’ll go home. Tomorrow you’ll return and we’ll meet in my bedroom. You can piece together the rest.”

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