A lost born

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A sad Prodigy Imagine-

You were walkin down the street with your 2 year old son. You saw Prodigy and you had to admit you missed him . Your son ran off to him ," Craig get back here ! NOW COME BACK HERE ," you yelled. " Daddy," you knew that was wrong that you told him Prod was his dad and Prod didnt react to good either. When he saw me he picked Craig Jr. up. " Is this our-,"

" Yea," I was so embarrased .

" How .... um how old is he?," he asked.

" Two," you muttered.

" Is he mine? ," you took Craig from him.

" This is why I left cause you always -,"

" Wait ! I missed two years of his life. Please just give me the rest of this time to spend with him."

You let him keep Craig for a while. You exchanged numbers with him so he could call his son.

2 months later

" I love you & Craig Jr. , Will you marry me?,"

" OMG YES!," you guys kissed and prepared each other for the married life.

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