Chapter Two

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Sorry about any grammatical or spelling errors! Sorry again!




~Ash's P.O.V.~

"Ash, look out!" Chelsey snapped at me from the passenger seat. Blinking a few times, I refocused onto the road, mumbling a quick sorry.

"What's up with you? You're acting weird" concern clear in her voice. Stealing a quick glance at her I debated on whether I should tell her or not. I mean she is my only best friend that I have and I can tell her anything, well not everything, everything.

My name is Ashley Emers, but everyone calls me Ash. I was born and raised in the Black Shadows Pack with my mother and father. But when I turned ten, issues had arised that threatened my life and I had to flee to the Lost Moon Pack. The Lost Moon Pack is a very powerful and well-known pack that welcomed me with open arms. But this story is for another time.

When I had arrived here, Chelsey Lockheart, was the first person to talk to me as a person. She was able to get me out of my shell. Every since that day, we have been like sisters. I smiled slightly at the memories. She has helped me so much and I couldn't thank her enough.

Deciding to just up and tell her, I take in a deep breath. "IthinkIfoundmymate" I mumbled all together, a slight blush rising into my cheeks.

"Excuse me? What was that?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows and leaning in closer to me. I know she heard me, her hearing is much sharper than mine.

Sighing in defeat, I let the words fall from my mouth. "I think I found my mate" I glanced at her from the corner of my eye and mentally groaned. She was grinning ear to ear, her eyes lit up with excitment. Here it comes, the squealing and yelling.

"Oh my god Ash! That's awesome!" she squealed. I cringed from the pain her voice inflicted onto my ear drums. "Is that why you were so distracted? Oh my god! Who is he? How did you find out? When can I meet him? Is he hot?" she asked the last one with a teasing tone, wiggling her eyebrows.

I chuckled "Woah, woah, one question at time, okay?" I glanced at her with a smile on my face. She simply just rolled her eyes but held her smile firmly on her face. She looked like she was about to explode from the news.

"Well I don't know who he is" I said sheepishly.

"Wait, hold up. Did I just hear you correctly? You have no idea who your mate is?" she asked in disbelief. I bit my bottom lip and furrowed my eyebrows, shaking my head.

"No, I kind of bumped into him in the hallway while riding my board. He actually just stood there with a dumbfounded expression on his face. It was kind of weird" I said, chuckling slightly as I remembered his face as he stared at me.

He looked so adorable. My wolf inputed with adoration clear in her tone.

"Are you kidding me Ash? You crashed into him while on your board? How romantic!" sarcasm was laced into her tone at the end, as she pretended to gush over how romantic our meeting was.

"Oh shut up!" I pushed her with my one hand slightly, laughing at how ridiculous it actually sounded. Turning into the parking lot of the skate park, I quickly found a spot and shut off the car. I turned in my seat to face Chelsey head on now.

"Hey Chelsey, will you promise me something?" I asked quetly, as I looked down at my lap.

"Of course, anything" concern was clear in her voice, as she spoke. Looking up at her face, I took a deep breath.

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