Bastards and Annoying Brats

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Um, my other chappy somehow deleted itself. Don't now WHAT went up. I added a small part when I uploaded it and forgot bout it when I reposted it again! Good thing I use word! :S Real life saver. XD 



              ‡Chapter Four‡

★Bastards and Annoying Brats★

"What was the dream about?" 

Kenji sighed in annoyance, "Why should you know?" 

"Because I'm your guardian, I care about your well-being." 

Kenji scoffed, "Oh, I can just smell the irony. You're not my father, stop trying to be him." 

Kakashi narrowed his eyes, "Then tell me, how is your father?" 

Kenji cracked a grin, "Well, Daddy is really sadistic!" 

She scratched her head in thought, 'Considering I'm not even in my world after spending some time here... I guess it's safe to tell them some stuff.'

"My dad was known for taking the omerta oath extremely important. He hates snitches, with a passion. They tended to be thugs instead of business people. And so, whenever he found a snitch..." Her cheery tone drifted into an icy blade, "let's just say the idiot would much rather prefer death than what my daddy had in store for him."

"I see..." Kakashi murmured, putting together the puzzle in his mind.

"I'm not only special to my dad because I'm his daughter... I'm also special because I'm what you call, a 'Hacker'. My very first computer was an ancient Macintosh. I had to recode and amplify the systems to acceptable use in order to—" She was interrupted by Naruto. 

"What's a computer? And thugs? Are you a criminal?! Believe it!" 

Naruto asked questions that was on everyone's minds, he just had the guts to say them. Kenji sighed, "How do I explain this? Well, a computer is a... well, it's a machine that connect people to the internet. Later on, science started catchin up and invented new computers, soon the computers were advanced enough to communicate with someone on the other side of the planet. But that is a feature that is often over looked in my time. Then the internet was invented."

She took a breath, "The internet was invented by a bunch of physicists as a war tool after world war two. Incase the Soviet Union bombed America with an atomic bomb of some kind, then they would easily be able to rebuild America. Now, people can make money off of it. Like muah."

An elaborate gesture was executed.

"I make viruses and have the user end up paying money or their computer ends up crashin. And yes Naruto, I'm a criminal. My whole family are made of criminals." 

They arrived at a boat and everyone stared at Kenji in shock. They obviously were at a loss to what she was talking about. Like this "America" place and "Soviet Union" stuff, but they understood the gist of it.

Team Seven stepped inside the floating structure as the boat-man began rowing slowly.  

"K-Kenji-san? Y-You're a criminal?" Sakura questioned nervously. 

"Yeah. I'm one of the most wanted in the world. Although the world court thinks my name is Salvatore Gotti, and that I'm 40." 

The genin gapped at her, "F-Fourty?" 

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