Lighten Up, Puss

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Chapter Thirty-Five
-Lighten Up, Puss-

I spent the rest of the day with Jake and it was p.e.r.f.e.c.t. It had been so long since we'd just hung out and the near on first time where I was finally able to just be me and not have to worry about anything like Lockie and not saying the wrong thing and outing myself. We hung out in his room, watching movies and making out and I knew I was falling deeply for Jake. When he wasn't around Taylor making snide comments and it was just the two of us he was flawless. He joked around and was sweet and good looking and thoughtful and sexy and oh my god. Major tummy butterflies moments all the time.

As he left to go have dinner with his parents, I headed to The Hub to meet Kathy, Taylor and a bunch of other people who made up our little group. I wished Jake could have come but understood that it was his parents and they could only come down for one night. We sat in a big group, eating, drinking and generally making noise. We'd made quite the little family for ourselves with the group, most of us having moved to attend the university.

A guy approached the table as we waited for dinner and grinned at Taylor.

"Cadley!" he greeted, "How are you doing?" he asked.

"Great dude, didn't know you were coming to see Kim, should have told me," Taylor replied, standing up to shake his hand over the table.

"Spare of the moment thing, but we're doing dinner here tonight so if you and your friends are hanging around, I'll come find you after," He stated.

"Yeah, sure. Hey, meet everyone," Taylor suggested, "Everyone this is Gordon, I went to high school and college with him."

Gordon took it in turn to introduce himself, shake hands and take the name at everyone around the table. As his eyes set on me, I smiled and stood up next to Taylor to offer my hand to him across the table.

"Lucy, nice to meet you Gordon," I told him and he smirked especially hard at me. I continued to smile politely as this stranger, as is what you do when random people you just met smirk at you like you're in on a personal joke with them.

"Ah, Lucy. You're the leading lady of boy drama around here, I hear," He stated and I nearly groaned.

"Apparently so," I smiled. I was never going to live 'Lockie' and the drama he created down.

"I think it's hilarious, well done," He congratulated me, with a grin.

"So, you went to school with Taylor?" I asked as I stepped back to sit in my seat. "Any wild stor-" I was cut off by the biggest fart sound I'd ever heard and it came from my ass. I looked around the table wide eyed as they all looked back at me in disgust and horror. "That wasn't me," I stated quickly and looked at Taylor to see him completely red faced and about to burst. That's when I cottoned on to what just happened. I sat up a little and pulled the offending whoopee cushion out from underneath me. "Real fucking hilarious, Taylor," I glared and threw the childish toy at him. He started laughing and it wasn't just a giggle like the others at the table. It was a giant bellowing laugh that nearly made him fall out of his chair. "You knew didn't you?" I looked at Gordon and he shrugged, grinning.

"Your... face," Taylor wheezed out between fits.

"So now we're even?" I asked and still too busy laughing and carrying on, he gave me the thumbs up and nodded at me.

As the night progressed, I had broken my alcohol seal and was making trips to the toilet every half hour. I stood up and announced my intentions and like any good female companion, a few of the girls agreed to come with me. Kathy linked her arm through mine as we made our way to the rest room.

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