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chapter ten

Flynn and Ryder walked over to the two girls and smiled.

"Lets put another bomb on her." Flynn said lokking at my mom while talking to ryder

"great idia"

 they turned around walking over to the there digusting room.

"I have my cell and i know what to do," i explained to my mom.

they came out holding a nother pair of hand cuffs and a vested bomb that looked way more complicated. they tried to through it on her,but she just kept moving which then after a few minutes of watching my mother straggle i stood up as ryder turned over looking at me with wide eyes.

"What the heck do you think you are doing?"

"No of your beeswacks," i said sounding pretty official.

he took out a sharp bladed nife that the handle looked like it had just been carved into a spiral. "I could just cut that prety little face of yours,"Said Ryder.

He walked colser and closer and closer and my simle became bigger and bigger and bigger. I sat down on the haystack TRYING to looked scared of him and he came a metre away from me as iused a head bud and knocked him over to the ground making him faint.

Flynn, The bald guy stopped stranggling my mom with the stupid vest bomb and turned his head to look at me taking out a red trigger with the word BOMB TRIGGER written in bolded black. I screamed and slouched into the corner. I stared closer at and noticed his eyes were crossed eyed. he fell to the floor and behind him was my mom with a frying pan in her hand and looking very frightend with tears running down from the corner of her eyes making them bright as the sky.

"Okay okay so i will just take this thing off." my mom said

"NO NO NO don't it has a trigger on it and if you tried to take it off it will blow up." i yelled.

She examened the cords one was black the other was blue and the other was red and the last ne was yellow .

"k k k um i know it is not the blue one cause it is atched to the bomb which makes the bomb blow up."

"How do you know all of this stuff i thought you were only a hair dresser and a bus driver?"

"IN grade tweleve you have to do alot of stuff like this in science."

"dont worry."

" um mom the only thing i am worried about is getting killed can't you call a professional?"

"Um just wait. so and it isn't the black one cause it helps the bomb to blow up faster."

I lokked at her very confused.

"alright i'll call the professionals"

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