Another Bottle Down Chapter - 2.

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Teen Fiction

Short Summary of the Story:

Melanie Cameron had to live through abusive parents and a job until she found therapy and a white knight saved her. Will she be able to pull it together?

Short Summary of the chapter:

 This chapter describes Melanie's life in general, her abusive parents, an episode that leaves her bruised on the streets and her Knight in Shining armor, who shelters her.


This story encompasses the topics of teen abuse and angst. It can be potentially intricate with a lot of emphasis on emotions and inspirational connect. However, the chapter begins with a bland introduction of Melanie and her abusive parents. It is abrupt and common and drags a little. There is very little use of dialogue and the text reads like a journal entry. There is no connect with the readers. The author could have split up the events chronologically or in the form of flashbacks rather than just rambling about them continuously in the same chapter. Also the attraction to her savior seems a little weird when she is bruised and broken. 

  The grammar and spelling are fine. However the characterisation and plot development needs a lot of work.

Final Verdict:

** out of *****

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2011 ⏰

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