Chapter 19

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"Good morning guys." I say as i walk down the stairs.

"Morning Grace," Sammy says, "ready to see your mom?"

"Yes!" I smile.

Ive missed her so much. I just cant wait to see her... to know shes okay. I'm going to ask her how dad is too. I even miss him. He's not all that bad. He's been through a lot. I would be angry too. Still, I know what he does isn't right and nothing can justify it.

"Im sure she's missed you. Alot." Sammy smiles.

I nod my head and sit down at the table and look around. I don't see Ansley anywhere though.

"Hey wheres Ans?" I ask.

Sammy frowns, "I think she's just having a rough day.. you know.. thinking about her dad and all."

"Where is she though? I hope she's alright."

"She was sitting outside on the porch swing when I woke up this morning. I don't think she got much sleep. You are a lot closer to her than I am, maybe you should go talk to her."

"I think I will."

I stand up and walk out to the porch and look around. The swing is empty but still swinging. I look up and see her walking at the edge of the woods.

"Hey Ans!" I say as i run up to her, "Good morning." I smile.

"Morning Grace." She says quietly, "sleep good?"

"Yeah, funny," I say, "I was going to ask you the same thing. Sam says you were out here this morning when she woke up. Everything okay?"

"Yeah," she weakly replies, "I'm just thinking. You know, this is the path mom and I used to walk down. Dad proposed to mom here to. Actually, right under that tree. It still has their initials curved into it. Corny huh?"

She walks up to the tree and rubs her fingers across the rough imprinted initials in the bark.







"I guess it didn't last forever, huh? And now.. this is all I have left of them both.." She says as a tear quietly runs down her cheek.

"Ans," I say as I walk up an d grab her shoulder,"That's not all you have left."

"Well, then what do I have Grace? Everyone I've ever had is gone. All I have left is pops and he's 2 hours away and I never see him. Ive lost my mom, my sister, and now.. Ive killed my own dad.."

"Ansley," I say as I pull her to the ground to sit beside me,"You have me and Sammy. Listen, I know its hard. I cant even begin to imagine how you feel. Ans, the courage you have though.. its unbelievable. You are so amazing. You still have parts of your family. Number one, they will always be in your heart. That will never change. But, number two, Ans you look like your mom up and down. Inside and out. You're just like her. She lives inside of you. She cared so much about you and you care soo much about Sam and I. As for your dad, Ans I know the things he put you through these past few years weren't right and no he didn't deserve to die but he had to Ans. It was either you or him. Ans if I had lost you.. if we had lost you.. I would have given up. As for your sister, she loved you. She would still look up to who you are today. She always has."

In The Eyes of Gracie - Unedited Version - Being RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now