Dinner Meeting

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Chapter 2

I was in lesson thinking about her, I couldn't stop she was just so perfect she smelt amazing and she looked so perfect and I don't even know her name.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that didn't realise some one open the classroom door and sit down right next to me.


I jerked my head up and turned around to see who it was... My Mate.

She was just so mesmerising I couldn't reply because I was staring at her beauty.

I was pulled out of my thought though when the most adorable giggle came from her mouth.

Her breath taking smile came across her features making me smile instantly.

"Hey." I whispered back.

"My name is Christina Smith."

She leaned over and whispered sexily.

"But you can call me Chris."

She moved back and winked.

"M-My name is D-Dakota Reed but all my friends call my Kota."

Omg how nervous does this girl make me? Just from her scent I can tell she is a wolf too so she knows I'm her mate.

"Ok Kota nice to meet you."

She smiled a breath taking smile, that made my heart melt, and turned back around to pay attention to class, which I spent the remainder of staring at her.




The rest of the day went by in a blur because all I could think about is Chris. It was irritating me but at the same time I didn't mind thinking about her beautiful blue eyes and her long wavy hair.

Damn! Stop it Dakota you have a lot more control than this. Stop thinking about her!

'But she is perfect and she is mine!'

'Shut up Amy! And she's not yours she is ours...'

'Dakota, come home instantly.' My dads voice boomed through the mind link.

I ran through the school halls and out of the doors. I cautiously looked around to see if anyone was around. I couldn't see anyone but I could feel some one watching me. I sniffed the air and got the scent of my mate. Smirking I turned and ran for the forest knowing she would follow, once in the forest I took off my clothes and hid them in a tree I turned around to see Chris there staring at me and blushing. Not to brag but I had a amazing body, I have a 4 pac that are nice and toned, toned legs, curvy figure and plump breasts.... I smirked at her and formed into my white furred wolf and ran home loving the feeling of wind on my fur.

Once home I transformed back and got dressed into the clothes I hid in a tree. I walked inside the house to find my father sitting down waiting for my arrival.

"Hey dad what's up?" I asked as I watched his head shoot up to see me.

"Well, my dear daughter, as you are going to be the new alpha soon you have to be the first to know that the alpha of the Dark-Shadow Pack is coming for dinner tonight the pack that live here are going to go out for dinner so we have no disruptions."

"Oh ok, just the alpha?" I asked.

"Ah no his family; His wife Lauren and his two daughters Sam and Christina"

"Oh ok wait what? What is their last name?" I asked curiously.

"Umm Smith.... Why?"


"Ah well umm Christina is umm in my class at school and well ummm." I said nervously.

Should I tell him? I mean he knows I'm a lesbian but will he be ok with the fact that Chris is my mate?

"Out with it Dakota we don't have all day they will be here in three hours!" My father exclaimed.

"Ok well remember when I told you I was a lesbian?"

"Yes... Dakota where are you going with this?"

"Well you see Christina is my mate."

I just stood there waiting for my father to say something but instead he just sat there thinking.

"Okay then that's fine, I guess when you two have mated though our packs may have to join up together as one and you two will need to decide who is alpha and who is Luna because two alphas may cause trouble... Ok?"

"Yes father I understand." I said.

"Good now go get dressed they will be here in two and a half hours and do not worry I shall tell your mother everything I'm pretty sure she will be happy for you."

"Thanks dad." I said while running down the stairs.

I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom for a shower.

After my shower I put my towel around my body and walked out into my room. I looked at the clock; 4:30 ok I have 2 hours...

I walked into my clothes closet and picked out a blue and black plaid shirt, some black skinny jeans and my black boots. Walking back out I lay them on the bed and started to dry myself. I put on my bra and boxers then the rest of my clothes.

I walked over to the hair dryer and brushed my hair and drying it at the same time. I then straightened my hair to make it just below my waist.

I look at my clock; 5:55 PM, shit I've got 35 minutes.

I get my toothbrush and brush my teeth then walk into my room and sit at my desk and put some mascara and lip gloss on then turn around to put my shoes on, I sit on my bed and pick up my phone. I logged onto twitter and tweeted:

'Having dinner with some important people today tweet later ;)'

I turn my phone off and and walked out my room, I started walking upstairs when the doorbell rang....

Oh shit.....


Hey guys another update please comment vote and follow thanks


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